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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/24 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Good to hear. Few other areas which can fail unfortunately so if you keeping the car be prepared. PIpes under the manifold are the hidden time bomb which can let go suddenly, so id be keeping an eye on the coolant level often if you not planning on doing an overhaul.
  2. 1 point
    Its actually an 840ci... yes wheels are from the wrong series and square... wonder if seller still has the original style 5's that were with it, but one needed repair 🤨. Personally, I would stick with what it has on it and not bother with the aftermarket wheels!
  3. 1 point
    Haven't heard of this particular one but seems similar to a few scams that have been doing the rounds. Usually a "potential buyer" will message you, come across as really interested in the car you're selling then ask for a [insert random abbreviation] Report as a pre-requisite for purchase. They'll spin a yarn how that's a deal breaker for them and how for whatever stupid reason they can't run and pay for the report themselves "because it's not their car" and how you're the one that needs to do it. What this basically does is feed your credit card info into their system and they then use if to empty your bank account or sell it off on the dark web... They tried to rope me into one of these one time, was some Canadian website with a similar layout. Not 100% certain that this is what it is but one red flag that sticks out is they just give a whole street as their address without a street number. Seems a fair bit of effort put into the website though - detailed enough to come across as somewhat legit, vague enough to not lead to anywhere in particular. If that sounds like a familiar scenario then whatever you do don't put your bank info anywhere near that website. If a buyer wants a report then they can pay for it themselves.
  4. 1 point
    Thanks for the link! Mine needs a new screen so shopping around the different units
  5. 1 point
    Shows how big cars have got over time, current 3 Series v 90s 3 series. Same when I park my old 3 Series next to the wife’s 1 series! Same with all cars though, not just BMW!
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