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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Yea I read that the other day. I can see his point however no need to go to the media with it. Take it up with the Production company and let them sort it out as the agreement was between BMW and the production company.
  2. This. Got all my stuff with them and the flat account and no issues at all. Don't go to a branch at all so don't need customer service. The Internet is the only service I need.
  3. Yep those would be them. Wrong offset however, unless Jase wants some stance
  4. Gaz

    1989 E30 m50 Tech2

    Well we all know Atta will be keen on the kit and I would be interested the GC's
  5. Android - nuff said. Each company can customise it to suit their application and each phone but yet still holds the same core so going from one phone to another is easy. Also available on any type of phone you like so that has to be a plus. And if you are into apps, there is goign to be alot more and better apps for Android than iPhone becasue it has more than one companies backing. Plus Apple = devil
  6. Gaz

    Cheap Brake Cleaner

    Two boxes to Chch would make it $5.12 per can so that sounds like a plan. Unless any of you Christchurch folk have been in touch, I will order some of Dan this afternoon
  7. must have removed the bid and then stuck up a buy now. Rather annoyed about that
  8. Yea thanks alot Doug. Was trying to keep this quiet haha
  9. Gaz

    Free Beer

    mymatebob is another good site. Just sign up and whenever there is free beer they will send it to you. http://www.tehanasparkling.co.nz/Voucher.aspx - some wine for the ladies
  10. Gaz

    new years...

    Gold Coast. Bitches, beachs and beer.
  11. Gaz

    HB Andrew (HT.)

    Yip, a big fat v8 skid. Happy bday dude
  12. Rear guards look a bit fugly but apart from that, I reckon it is tough.
  13. Gaz


    I have some sitting in my garage at the moment and they don't look any better on the floor than on the car
  14. One of the guys from work is selling his N/A 202 motor. He has done all the work himself and at the weekend he finaly cracked the 12 second barrier and still running on 91. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-327702883.htm I am by no means a Holden man but I am well impressed.
  15. Clearly not trying hard enough
  16. Gaz

    M325i vs SR20DET.

    Track A is tougher than it looks, trying to link up turn one and two is rather tricky - drifting that is. Would be interested to hear it once its hooked up as I think I may need a quieter exhaust when it comes to cert time.
  17. When you buy a TV you don't buy the rights to it, you actually buy it out right therefore the store who has invested interest in it is obligated to help out. Personalised Plates sell the rights only, and nothing else.
  18. TBH I can see their point in sending you on to Licensys as Personalised Plates don't make the plates so they don't have much control in the quality of the end product. Having said that, it would make good business sense to ensure the company you have making your product, make it to a high quality. The $800 you pay is to own the plate itself and included in that is the ~$30 to make the plate which gets forwarded to Licensys.
  19. Gaz

    M325i vs SR20DET.

    Ah in that case, it was track B, the best one. Nice score on the exhaust, not to blingy and nice an sutble looking.
  20. Gaz

    e30 Tech 2 for sell

    On the next episode of Bimmersport Street...............
  21. Gaz

    M325i vs SR20DET.

    Sweet pics, what track where they using? Looks like the A-track
  22. Gaz

    New NZTA scam

    Speaking of scams, got a call yesterday with a voice recording saying that I had won big in a Casino in Las Vegas. Thought it was nice of them to call me but I think I would know if I won.
  23. If I wasn't selling the 540 I'd probabley buy these. Anyone want to sell me a super cheap e36 so I can rim it with these
  24. ^^ I saw that when I was in Auckland too, couldn't decide whether I liked it or not.
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