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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. I see that everyday on the way to work and it is a nice car but it's definately not worth 8.5k
  2. Yea the internals are the same, the eletronics would be the fun part.
  3. This is pretty much in place here in Chch at the moment as there's a one way door at 3am and most places close at 4 because there's no point in staying open if people can't come in to spend more on drinks. You go for a walk around at that time and the place is a mess. It puts extra stress on the fast food places as they are all within 20m of each, there are lines for taxis because they can't keep up with the influx of people leaving some people stranded for up to an hour. There are more chances of seeing a fight in Kfry than in a bar cuz people get annoyed at waiting in line.
  4. That's my whole point. It's been inbedded in us from previous generations and of course I'm not one to be left out of it, I've done some stupid stuff on the piss. What needs to happen is to break the cycle so to speak which will stop excessive consumption and the issues that come about because of it. They need to make uncool to black out and do dumb sh*t but that isn't going to happen so the issue is not going to go away.
  5. Bingo. We were talking about this the other day at work and it has become socially acceptable in the younger crowd to go out, get wasted and then brag about how f*cked up you got on Monday.
  6. Gaz

    Medal of Honor

    Aint' that the truth.
  7. I wouldn't say that was being unreasonable, especially after calling in. The very least they could have done was send you a courtsy email saying they couldn't find or what ever.
  8. Where abouts are you? I've got some here in Chch
  9. I'll ask mum to see if heard anything last night as she lives that way. Tell them to go for a drive around New Brighton and Hampshire street, never know what you may find.
  10. That blows, I know that feeling to well unfortuneately. Where abouts was it taken from?
  11. Gaz

    This is SCARY...

    I hope they caught the people that put them there and done them for murder. Manslaughter at the very least.
  12. Gaz

    Attention Chch lads

    Na I think we were about half a second or so off the pace of the slowest time. Fastest was a low 17sec and Atta and me were in the 18.40s Was a good afternoon, definately need more meets
  13. Gaz

    HB Bryan (F.G.)

    Happy Bday dude. Good luck with the move.
  14. Would love to get 13L around town. Im currently sitting on 15L around town but alot of short trips and stop start driving. Drove up to Hanmer the other weekend and got 7.9L on they way up and 8.5L on they way back.
  15. Gaz

    Attention Chch lads

    Oh and I made it for 8 incase people can make it or they want to bring along girlfriends/cousins/sisters/dogs along for a hoon. Preferabley more sisters and less dogs
  16. Gaz

    Attention Chch lads

    It's all good now, managed to get through. Booked for 2pm on Sunday so will see you all down there at 1.30ish
  17. I think what he is trying to say is that your car is not obviously modified and therefore less likely to pull over. In a round about way. Anyway back on topic, I'm assuming this is from Antony's car which i can voucher for and does pull very nicely.
  18. Gaz

    Attention Chch lads

    Tried calling them just now and doesn't seem like the number is working......... Will keep trying and if doesn't work then I'll pop by after work.
  19. Gaz

    Attention Chch lads

    Sign of a quality engine. At least I have a Bmw this time.
  20. Gaz

    Attention Chch lads

    I was going to book the Supa karts and I'm sure the pub will have some high quality H2O E: Beaten
  21. Gaz

    Attention Chch lads

    Sweet sounds good to me. I'll ring up and book us in for 130-2 because no doubt they will be busy so let me know numbers. So far: Graham Atta Matt Mark Sammy
  22. Gaz

    M325i vs SR20DET.

    Definately wish I did this when I had the chance on my 200sx. Conversion looks insanely tidy. Good work.
  23. Gaz

    Attention Chch lads

    I work next to the Ibis so I will be out for a few beers on Friday night after work. Keen on anything over the weekend really, just not on Saturday afternoon
  24. Yea the current one has been stripped and the shell is buggered so a complete new one would be the way to go I think.
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