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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. The insane thing about this guy is he made enough money off Itune downloads to buy himself a new house outside of the ghetto and put himself through business college.
  2. What a show last night! I saw them at BDO 2004 and TBH then I thought things were a little lack luster but they really brought it big time. They played a different set list from last night but still played the key songs that everyone loves and had something from pretty much every album but St Anger. The lasers were very well done but were only used on two songs and the pyrotechnics were will timed but what do you expect from a Metallica show. Two disappointments for the night, 2 minutes into Suicide and Remption, Robert broke a string and James and Kirk fell out of time and then just stopped the song and the lack of moshing and they general lack of people really getting into it. http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/metallica/20...d-7bd5cef4.html Tuesday's setlist Last night's set list
  3. Gaz

    Honda M3

    Only $1700? Score! Thats one cheap m3
  4. Not going tonight be will be there tomorrow night and I can't wait. Won't have time for pictures and video's as moshing is far to important :mosh:
  5. I will let the WOF inspector decide how loud it is . Finally made it home after being delayed 2.5hours waiting for the ferry and land in Picton around 7.15. It drove sweet the whole but would have had a lot more fun up the hills if it had an LSD
  6. Oh I can't wait. I supposed to be flying into Wellington tomorrow morning, then catching the ferry and driving to Christchurch. Don't think that will be going to plan
  7. Gaz

    M325i vs SR20DET.

    Not too sure, I should be able to find out easily enough. You should just swap it out as you know the t25g is better
  8. Gaz

    M325i vs SR20DET.

    Looks the tits. I've got a t25g lying around in my garage from my ca18det if you want that.
  9. Spotted DVSBM on some side street somewhere in the centre of Auckland on Sat night.
  10. Gaz

    Xbox 360 Repair

    How old is your Xbox? IIRC it should have a 2 or 3 year RRoD warrenty so just take it back. Otherwise there a few people around who how to but depending on the person you can't always guarntee the quality of work.
  11. The online review I watched said it was horrible if you have a lot of artist etc. Guess I will have to have a play with one and pass judgement myself.
  12. Is it just me or does that website not work? Looks like a pretty sweet unit but I'm not liking the fact that it takes forever to scroll through the artists/songs etc.
  13. Gaz

    Auckland guys

    Alright, looks like I have been given the day off tomorrow so will be on the beers tonight so if any one wants to catch up for a beer, flick me a text 0274654987.
  14. I've got a couple lying around from my coupe if you want them. Will have to wait till I'm in a week or so.
  15. Gaz

    Auckland guys

    Not sure yet, at least until Wednesday no doubt. Depends if our building is safe for people to access or we are allowed back into the CBD. Managed to find Father Ted's last night which goes off on a Friday apparently so I think that is where we will be on Friday after the Warriors game. Heath and Ashkan, I'll hit you later on once I get an idea on what's going on in terms of when I'm working and all that carry.
  16. Gaz

    Auckland guys

    Becasuse of the Quake in Christchurch, work has sent me off to Auckland for at least a week. Now I'm not sure when or if I'll get any time off but what is there to do in Downtown? Even if any just wants to have a beer or several after work I can probabley sort something. I'm working in Union St and staying at the Heritage around the corner on Nelson St and will be on foot or bus.
  17. If you have to run spacers then you have the wrong offset. Ideally you want an offset around 20p and that should sort out you issues.
  18. Gaz


    I don't see what everyone is freaking out about. We never lost power, water or anything and with nothing to do, score ourselves some kfry and pizza and have been drinking all day. I have to say I do feel priviledged to get away with things and do feel sorry for everyone who go caught up it the mess. If anyone needs help or just a shower (ladies only) let me know
  19. Gaz


    List of all the major aftershocks http://www.geonet.org.nz/earthquake/quakes...ent_quakes.html
  20. Gaz


    Some places are worse than others. Everything at my flat is fine and we got power. Just spoke to my flatmate who was at her boyfriends in Opawa and there is buildings are stuff everywhere. To make it worse, her boyfriends Dad died last night, non Earthquake related.
  21. Is that Linden's mates one? Or was I on crack at the time
  22. I see that everyday on the way to work and it is a nice car but it's definately not worth 8.5k
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