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Posts posted by hotwire

  1. From the usual totally biased perspective - 330i any time - no disrespect to the tezza but not in the same league - just look at them both:-

    Agreed with all said already - get it proffesionally checked etc or maybe consider a lower milage one.

    On the "people discouraging" issue - these cars always attract negative vibes from those that know no better about them. Drive one & you'll be converted!

    BMW one way or another- Do It!!

  2. Did know of a very good guy in Auckland but he's not there any more. Mongoose themselves could likely name good options for you up there.

    I could do for you but probably easier to get done up there.

    If already fitted with both alarm & immob (& it has factory remote locking) then hardly worth fitting another - & you have another remote to carry around. It can get confusing too- if the door is locked with alarm remote & unlocked with key remote - you get sirens going off in your ears.

  3. Looks like I need a new one - keys sometimes dont want come out.It happens with all 3 keys so its not them.

    Is this a dealer only purchase & do they require coding,(dealer quote 4 barrel $200 ex Germany) which I didnt think was too bad compared to a key at $400!!

    Will be genuine only - that price doesn't sound too bad. Barrel itself wont need coding. Maybe a good locksmith can do something with your one??

  4. hey guys

    i have a 1992 750iL

    the automatic isnt playing up at all

    but i think its high enough km's to get a full service

    does anyone a good place in tauranga or hamilton where i can get it serviced

    and how much will i be looking at paying


    I recommend Cambridge Transmissions (in Cambridge of course) Great to deal with & from experience much better than others. Don't know about Tauranga though

  5. Conversion of Jap nav in the E60 has been researched & confirmed that although the hardware can be changed there are serious issues with programming the car from Jap mode - these cars are very much Jap specific with the electronics in them. Jochen has researched this in subject in depth.

    I am aware of one having been done but at a cost due to the loss of other functions (TV & service functions) along with other modules dropping out of sinc.

    So in essence - if able to completely reconfigue the vehicle to Euro spec then yes but at this stage - unknown


    Bet you don't & probably wont have to either. The hole in the pipe was literally in the middle of the LHS tank cavity with nothing around it to have caused it.

    Must admit - it had me stumped for a while - wasn't until in frustration - I had drained & removed the tank that I was able to see the problem.

  7. 320 wagon

    Well i only drive it on the weekends and the odd weekday.

    i push it now and again.

    But yes i got a fright too after filling up a ful tank for the first time to find that after just over 350Ks, its sitting near empty!

    has had a full service.

    so i'm thinking when its sitting near empty, i've at least got 150Ks - but sitting on empty makes me nervous! :rolleyes:

    Only acurate measure of consumption is to measure distance travelled by fuel used.

    I did have an issue with the tank when I first got my now E30 race car (facelift) where the fuel light would come on at 1/3 tank & soon after the car would stop. After investigation I found the RHS tank (with fuel light sensor) empty while the LHS tank was still full. Turned out the the fuel return pipe had a hole in it (LHS inside the tank). This pipe enters the LHS, runs along the bottom of the tank, over the tunnel & down into the swirl pot on the RHS. Having a hole where it did caused it to lose its prime for evening levels of both tanks. Still have no idea what could have caused this hole in the pipe inside the tank (no external damage) but solution was a replacement tank.

    Not applicable to pre facelift cars as they have an external leveling tube linking both sides

    Never heard of before & will probably never see again but goes to show - anything can happen.

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