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Posts posted by hotwire

  1. Rang Repco, yep I'm gonna buy some of that copper glue.

    Had a close look at the inside of the demister - you can see the tan line goes all the way across but the silver lining (inside window side) that the current goes through has been almost completely stripped off.

    Gonna be fiddly as hell painting that much of this stuff on.

    The guy at Repco reckons you mask it then paint it but the line is so fine I doubt it would look that great.


    If all that element (or most) is gone then it is a waste of time trying to repair it. As I said above - this glue is ONLY intended for minor damage, eg - a cut or nick in the element.

    You will never be able to replicate the resistance of the original element by creating a long line of repair glue.

    Only option in this case - replace the screen - make sure you get a good one.

    You can test one out of a vehicle with the method I mentioned - apply 12v across the element (either polarity) & test each element as I described

  2. As said - look closely for probably a cut through the element/s.

    You can buy from the likes of Repco an element repair liquid - a metallic based glue. This is only suitable for fixing minor damage - likely in your case.

    An easy test is: with a test light, check (carefully - not to damage) each element starting at supply end & working along the element. A working element will show a diminishing voltage as you move along, a broken element will show full voltage (open circuit) until you reach the break, after which - no light.

  3. First of all in replying to your thread, I would like to point out that this is not a personal attack on you, or others that have posted here.

    You have fitted a device into the SRS (airbag) system to trick or fool the control unit during its self check which tricks the control unit into thinking that every sensor is working. The occupancy sensor mat is fitted to the system to tell the controll unit that there is ..or is not a person sitting in the seat. Think about what I am going to ask you.

    (1) Will the system work properly ?

    (2) Will the passengers air bag work ?

    (3) Will the pretensioner work on the passengers seat belt ?

    (4) Does the device trick the control unit into thinking that there is a passenger in the passengers seat ...or not ?

    (5) Would the dealer or a reputable Auto Electrician or Independant Repairer fit this device ?

    (6) Would you tell an AVI (WOF Inspector) that you have fitted this device ?

    (7) Could you live with the fact that you, are responsible for the disfigurement or death of a friend,wife,GF or child who was sitting in this car when an accident occured and their injuries could have been prevented if the airbag system worked properly ?

    (8) Would you tell the person you might sell the car to at some stage that you have fitted this device ? and that the airbag system has been tricked ?

    If any of your answers are either NO or I DON'T KNOW.... I would TAKE IT OUT

    The cost of fitting the correct part is approx $500 on most BMW's. The cost varies dependant on what type of seat the vehicle has.

    These devices are made and sold to fool a safety system in a motor vehicle... and unfortunately, I must say...only fools would buy & fit them. People spend thousands of dollars on cosmetics ie: Mags and sound systems. And then complain about the cost of safety device repairs on their vehicles. BMW did not design & fit these devices to make money out of you, they are a part of the safety systems built into your car, and unfortunately with age, these devices fail or wear out. What price do you put on a freind or loved one ? .... $500 ?

    Think about what I have just written.... carefuly... before replying

    Personaly, I think the sale & fitting of these devices to be bordering on criminal

    BTW: If you (zacg) live in Auckland, I'll take the device out and fit a new sensor mat for free if you pay for the part. If you live out of Auckland, I'll supply the part to you at my cost price + freight.

    AND.... I didn't get anything wrong ......I repair BMW's for a living and my AVI number is A6013



    I'd hope that if you where to ever SELL the car you would inform the new owners that you have fooled/by-passed the airbag sensors in the car... 

    If not and i bought the car and had an accident and my gf was injuried or killed due to airbag failure and it was proven that the injury or death was caused by this stupid device, i would either hunt you down and castrate you before killing you or take you to court for intentianaly mis-leading as to the safety of the car and hope the police would charge you with mansluaghter... 

    I had the same thing- bought a second hand seat from Ray, put it it and sent in to Team McMillian to get the sensor light reset. Turned out that one of the wires had come out of the cable connector to the seat- as said: probably from something having been put under the seat. The original seat could have been ok then. Unbolt the seat and check the weiring perhaps. Better to get the fault checked by a pro- unless you electrically minded they can trace back to the cause. If it is the sensor pad at fault, pad and control unit ar both to be replaced. Dude tricking the Airbag sensor = :(

    Second hand seat from Brent is a good way to go. Need to fully diagnose cause first

    Well written Glenn, totally agree with all these comments

  4. Probably one for Jochen to answer as he has had experience with Mk 1 video modules whereas I haven't.

    The only reverse camera I have had experience with fitting is in the X5 with the third generation 16:9 video module.

    The Mk1 may well be different in this regard - Possibly not wired for reverse camera as shown the pin out info you obviously have. If this proves the problem - I have a second generation VM if you require.

  5. 1996 Ex Japan 540i E39

    Reverse camera install.

    Just spent the last half hour searching thru past forums, but no answer to this, so here goes.

    I know the camera needs to be NTSC, but does the car do the mirror image swap, or do I need to buy a mirror image camera?

    Has anybody fitted a camera, and can advise me of a suitable one?

    Jochen / Hotwire??



    You need a mirror image camera although I haven't actually sourced a camera separately.

    I have only done a retrofit camera to an X5 (same system) but it was the genuine BMW kit that I fitted.

    I know Jochen has fitted a universal camera to an E39, not sure where he sourced the camera though.

  6. Agree with Jochen & has been discussed here before:

    Law on front FOG lights being illegal in good weather is an ass - they are a permenently dipped light casting a low flat beam & when set properly & checked at WOF - they cause NO dazzle/glare to oncoming drivers & could easily qualify as a good aid for being seen by others. Check them on a beamsetter - no more glare than dip beam.

    Muppets that fit uncontrolled beams & not connected to high beam control (in effect driving lights) into spoilers for the "look" are the ones causing problems & if all WOF inspectors were astute enough to police these then we wouldn't have a problem.

    However rear fogs in clear weather are a pain in the arse - hard to distinquish from brake lights & amazing the amount of people driving with them on & completely oblivious to this & not even aware that the car has them.

  7. Recent publicity on Fair Go and TV News about the actions of "Parking Wardens" in handing out all manner of offence notices for your vehicle is enough to question the actions of our local bodies.

    Two points come to mind:-

    1. As the job qualification requirements for a Parking Warden probably don't extend beyond the ability to count to 10 should these people be given such authority?

    2. As most of the mall and supermarket parking areas are private property and thus not part of the road system how can you commit a motoring offence in such an area?

    Agree with you although point 2 has been clarified.

    In regards to Fair go article -Who the hell do they (Council) think they are in overturning a tyre company's interpretation of the state of the tyre - surely they are aware of legal requiremets & anyway - wouldn't it be in their interest to supply a new tyre if they could justify? And as said - what the hell does a parking warden know of requirements?

    I find it amusing though at the naiveity of the woman in that article - "My car has a WOF" :wacko:

    Does she not realise that tyres wear out & that because they may be at 1.5mm (I think) & comply for WOF inspection, that if thats the case - within near future & well before next WOF - new tyres will be required to maintain a road legal car - It is up to the driver to maintain a road legal car at all times. What if a bulb blows a day after issue of WOF? - Does she wait until next WOF inspection?

    Not the first time I have come across this attitude either

  8. hi, my airbag light for my 520i is on. I was told its the occupancy mat. Does anyone know of a place where i can replace it? And how much would it cost?

    has anyone heard of this www.bimtronics.com ?

    apparently its a self install kit to get rid of the light but the airbag will still work...

    your thoughts please. Much appreciated...

    Firstly - Cant recommend a place to go if we don't know where you reside.

    Secondly - has this fault been confirmed or is it a guess? Quite likely the problem but other variables too.

    Thirdly - Yes this will work BUT the air bag circuits are a safety device in which the manufacturers have spent zillions of $$ in R&D & they should NOT be altered from initial design.

    FIX IT PROPERLY is my recommendation

  9. Good stuff Ashkan.

    The trouble with the SA seats is not the access being restricted by the seat, its that the rail is a C-section, with the ends of the C quite close together. You can't get a socket between the ends of the C, and only a thin-walled, low profile box-end wrench/ring spanner can slip in and over the nut.

    In my SA car I have the large tool kit with both open-enders and box-end Gedore wrenches. The Gedore 17mm and my Sidchrome box-ends fit, but my no-name brand ones don't. The more expensive tools use stronger metal, so don't need to be as chunky to be strong.

    Stahlwille 17mm works a treat on these. As Graham says - the cheaper the spanner the chunkier they are to compensate for weaker build.

  10. As Glenn has said - check / have checked the fuel pressure/flow. This will confirm pump/lines/pressure regulator are all ok

    If starting OK from cold then unlikely to be fuel draining back. If it was then - a delay may be expected.

    Fuel delivery is atleast 2.5 litres per min at about 33psi so lines/rail refill quickly anyway.

    Being that the problem is when warm & if it is infact a fuel problem & pump OK then more likely leaking injectors

  11. Sounds as though you only have the +12V wire connected, and not the ACC +12v feed. That is why it "turns on" when you press eject - most players will eject a disc when they are turned off with only the 12v feed attached. The unit won't turn on until you also connect the acc feed. (yellow wire usually).

    You should have the black (sometimes brown) wire to a permanent earth. The red wire to a fused permanent 12v feed, and the yellow wire to a switched feed that comes on with the vehicle ignition. If you want to test the unit you could temporarily hook both the red and yellow to the permanent feed and it should stay on all the time, but this is not how it was designed to operate.

    Just a correction here; :) Nearly all new radios - Yellow = 12v permanent. Red = 12v switched.

  12. Scientists agree that the climate is changing, and know that it always has and will, but they cannot agree on the cause (human or natural cycle). I have no taken a side as there is substantial evidence to back both theories.

    But one way to look at the whole "global warming" thing is that if we do no reduce what we are using today there will be nothing left for future generations. There is a finite amount of resources on the earth, this is certain. Some "global warming" legislation allows for more sustainable use of these resources, continued and more sustainable use of resources will allow the human race to continue for longer, giving us more time to find a way to travel to other planets and so continue our civilization.

    At the very least the whole "global warming" thing will get a few of us to stop polluting as much as we are. Which will be good for the ecosystem.

    Agreed. I also have no certain view either way BUT from documentation of the subject there would seem to be an accelerating demise of the northern ice cap area (for one) & in reality our rapid growth in industrialisation (in climate changing terms) is very recent history - last 100 yrs or so.

    It is realitively unknown (to me anyway) how quickly previous climate change phases took place in comparison.

    I suggest it would therefore be remiss for us to ignore what our impact in this may be having on current change phenonimin. We may well be playing with fire to ignore.

    No greeny here but totally in support of pro environment practices.

    We only get one chance here - if we choose to ignore & then get proven wrong in years to come....

  13. I went through the process with my convertible. It was about as much fun as a colonoscopy and I vowed and declared never to do it again. Be warned that if the car has ever had any kind of accident in its past, no matter how minor, or the examiner decides that it MIGHT have had an accident at sometime in its past, then you'll be off to an engineer for additional costs and on and on it goes. VTNZ quoted the 400 bucks or so that you say, but then I had to pay several hundred more for an engineer and honestly, ther car would have to be pretty special or unique for me to ever bother again. Having said that, I'm not sorry I did - I love my car, but it is definitely a ridiculously stupid and beauracratic nightmare. If you enjoy dealing with the mindless little people in positions of authority and their silly little clipboards and rules you might not find it too bad.....

    Love the description of the process, particually the last three lines - can relate to that!

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