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beemn last won the day on November 3 2013

beemn had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

50 Excellent


About beemn

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/30/1979

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Milan K
  • Location
  • Car
    06 E61 Motorsport Touring
  • Car 2
    04 VW T4 TDI
  • Car 3
    E70 48i
  • Race Car
    E46 CS
  • Race Car Number

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  1. only car nerds go off the build date and know how to find the build date
  2. he is dreaming, the other one is a far better spec with all the fruit, this one is a rubbish car
  3. I saw that e30 when i was in Munich, BMW had it on display with its story
  4. It's easy to use...that's the biggest thing for me...I have both the original cable and their bluetooth adaptor...both worked on mine
  5. It's easy to use...that's the biggest thing for me...I have both the original cable and their bluetooth adaptor...both worked on mine
  6. Ones in Albany, other one is Missing...they run in the Heritage touring cars when they are out
  7. That's the interior motion sensor for the alarm
  8. if not on the idrive then not installed. check your build sheet
  9. So i installed a secondary fuel pump into the e46. This is a fuel starvation kit which replaces the passenger side fuel sender. I had just on 3/4 of a tank when i installed it and they say the gauge can be inaccurate, when the new pump and sender went in the gauge was pretty spot on....jump to the end and long story short, when i disconnect the new pump and the old and turn my ignition on the gauge goes back up to 3/4...anyone have any idea why that would be???
  10. Pretty sure its a local car in Ponsonby
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