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Everything posted by m325i

  1. my 15" basketweaves are BBS.
  2. $60,999, $60,998, $60,997 $60,996, $60,995..... Hope thats agreed value
  3. m325i


    Dam, must be my lucky day.Under $40 delivered. Sweeeet.
  4. m325i


    Opinions on these? Cheap alternatives?
  5. m325i

    Star Wars III

    My low expectations made me think that this was 'ok'. Then i read The best goddam review ever. I agree.
  6. Man we need BC style. Canada that is! Compulsory insurance to get "your" number plate. Pay reg. at the same time. No WoF! But seriously no insurance? Are you crazy? If you care about your car at all it will have appeal which makes it stand out, thus being far more susceptable to break ins, vandals, and theft. I have read 4 or so stories on nzmmc.co.nz about dudes with evo V and VII's!! being nicked without insurance, OR AN ALARM? WTF? Deserve to lose it out of naivity. [-X
  7. m325i

    Im selling my 325

    This isn't necesarily the case. If you get it sweet, it will be very reliable.Turbos can be just as bad if not worse... Esp. if you start winding the boost up.
  8. m325i

    My M325i death

    Think of it as weight reduction
  9. Thats a lot. Not sure if e36s have some hidden nightmares, but you should be able to get a full system for under $500, (no flash muffler) from a muffler shop. Im not sure if i would put a big pipe on it if i were you. Maybe take the cat/res out and put a high flow muffler on. It will be cheaper. Lower = scrapping.
  10. m325i

    Im selling my 325

    Or was it the e30 buuuurn? I know the feeling of missing boost. But have you forgotten the downside of boost? -nickings -breakins -insurance -gas -clutches -cops
  11. m325i


    Ouch. Maybe the old one wont fall apart and ill be ok re using it?
  12. m325i


    When replacing the exhaust manifold, i am assuming the gasget will be dead. Where would i get a new one from ?
  13. m325i

    Two cool E30s on BMWCC

    The 323i, yes it has a mean 'box and LSD, but I don't like it. Chrome :thumbsdown: 318i Looks tidy as. Edit: Im such a hater
  14. Thought some Honda drivers might be keen to get one.
  15. m325i

    E30 Engine

    Why's that?What do you guys ESTIMATE cost of a m50 conversion at, (assume paying labour)
  16. Have you lent the car to any Muslim extremists recently?
  17. I ordered some clear fronts from Ultimatestyling.com. I they havent charged me, and my order has been 'processing' for a month now. They won't respond to emails either. They were 16 pound. This is what i was thinking, but where would you get it? I have seen rear e30 clears on ebay cheap too. (Clear all along the top third, red under). May look ok on a white or silver car.
  18. Errrr the last annual profit was over 800 million.Im not really sure they need your help mate ! ummmm, thats my point. Any gimp could have them making $. Im sure all of you who have delt with Telecom know what a wonderful 'go foward' firm they are :thumbsdown:
  19. m325i


    "Proper " as in I feel better because I paid 4.5 times too much
  20. Telecom are just the biggest jokes ever. They have got their marketing so wrong its not funny. Fools. It kills me that biarch making millions a year, and I reckon I could turn up profits for them, easy. Its not like its hard to get telecom making money. Ahhh it kills me so bad. As a part owner I think I am entitled to my opinion. :bounce:
  21. m325i

    Clear bonnet

    Needs a fish tank in th boot to 'set it off'
  22. m325i


    Anything not from LTSA or Personalised plates is illegal.
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