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Mr Vapour

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Mr Vapour last won the day on July 14 2016

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76 Excellent

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About Mr Vapour

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 08/31/1978

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  • Car
    1980 E21 323
  • Mods List
    In bits getting the full monty, slowly
  • Car 2

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    Family, water, cars, food, laughing.

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  1. If you are rebuilding a 2002 or e21 or any old Datsun you should already know Murray. He will most likely have what you need at a price.
  2. Trailing arms are the same as e34
  3. I'm going to be selling my one as a race car project soon.
  4. Where are you? There is a guy on old-school.co.nz doing a swap athe moment and has some good info. Go have a look in the other projects section
  5. Im not in a situation to buy but would snap it up if I could. Good luck
  6. Air controls and mirrors say it's a facelift
  7. So I brought a ute 18 months ago. It had a plate on it. I replaced the plate when I sold the ute as the plate was going to go on my e21 as it's kind of shark related. Do I not own the plate that was sold to me on the ute. Do I need to get the old owner to sign the form for the JP? The way I'm reading it I need to get them signed over. Thanks.
  8. About 125 for all four, but I'll say between 100 and 150. I'm waiting on parts to repair the blasters pump from the UK at the moment, will be a couple of weeks before I can get any thing done.
  9. They look real good. I'm a big fan of proper paint on calipers. Seen tomany Rattle can jobs turn to s&#t. Just a FYI for next time. I could have valour blasted those calipers in about an hour. I have even worked out a way of cleaning up calipers complete sealing off the piston, seals and banjo holes so none of the blast media gets in and is not damaged in the processes.
  10. Hi Kris. they are a simple mechanical fuel pump on the side of the block in front of the distributor. My one had been removed and a simple facit pump mounted in the engine bay as a replacement. this one looks the same but you will need to find out basic fuel requirements. https://www.trademe.co.nz/2245940364 simple hook up, but they are noisy. also go and join the e21 nz Facebook page. and photos we like photos
  11. have you tried the 2002 Facebook page?
  12. a guy on the 2002 nz page had a look at it a few days ago and posted up some pictures. sills are completely gone. interior is covered in mould, meaning it's been full of moisture, he was unable to open the boot and judging by the rest of the rust I would say most likely rusty as well. the firewall is rusty as is the inner guards. it will need a full blast and assess what needs to be done. a few bits of rust is an understatement.
  13. try the 2002 Facebook site. Brett Taylor is the creator.
  14. I have only usee them a couple of times and have been happy. I have mates that have rebuilt cars almost exclusively from rock auto. I also know of a brake and clutch shop that buys caliper rebuild kits for stock from there.
  15. have a look at rock auto. prices are good you can probably get the important parts through them. quick freight also.
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