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Everything posted by joshnz

  1. joshnz

    BMW kits.

    Only on BS could you have a serious 'debate' about shipping/container costings. Made my day, cheers
  2. Yeah. Now she works for the government Re; the car, she said NO, maybe its me that wants another one ... not her, haha
  3. lulz, My better half might be keen, she wants a cheap e30 to muck around with again, I'll let you know.
  4. I'm struggling to find the time to play GT5 alongside Black Ops
  5. One can only imagine the 'gifts' you will get in return for buying her that Looks mint btw
  6. On friday I mounted my new front lip, looks just like OEM at a fraction of the price!
  7. HELLBM signwriting looks awesome!
  8. joshnz


    Slimline sport seats ftw Seriously, what sort of injuries did you get with that kind of impact?
  9. Nice shots ... I think the harsh angles they are shot at distract from the actual subject? Do you have any images that are not?
  10. joshnz

    BBS RS003

    Corrado, so rare over here, epic car + wheels.
  11. joshnz


    Pic that has been posted from Turners looks f**ked, hope you are ok mate
  12. So... where abouts do you live
  13. joshnz

    FS: 1989 M325i

    I have a front lip coming + ebay splitters coming too, haha, put a lot into her so far. Sorry back on topic
  14. joshnz

    FS: 1989 M325i

    Nah, that thread is old, haven't posted pics for a while. http://picasaweb.google.com/joshsti/328iCoupe# It sits lower in the ass end, I took the 8mm pads out that I addedd in for those images. Its on new King Super lows.
  15. joshnz

    Sad Day :(

    Sorry man, I know how hard it is, man card not revoked, I'm nearly crying.
  16. joshnz

    FS: 1989 M325i

    Would love an E30 again, would you accept my right arm + E36 coupe as payment
  17. Getting so drunk you have to taxi home, keep him waiting, explain to wife she has to come back and drive your car home - priceless.
  18. joshnz

    Gran Turismo 5

    only just hit 10, im having trouble finding time to invest in this game any tips for earning $$ quick/easy? im sure i have always had the problem of buying a car, doing it up, then having nothing left ...
  19. How much for the DS2s Ray
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