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Everything posted by Cale

  1. Cale

    Project anyone?

    Haha, those seats look real comfy.
  2. Cale

    Property gurus

    Some of my family own property in European countries. You have to know the Bureaucracy (sp?) and local laws very well, and realise that things take 50,000 times as long to get done and for people to do as opposed to NZ.
  3. Wow, that is one serious bay.
  4. Haha, thought I might as well give it a go.
  5. Straight swap for my 318i.
  6. I reckon I got one the other day, was passing a truck before Kopu on the straights, pulled in in front of the truck to see the dreaded plain van (dark green one) with a camera pointing at me. Touched the brakes but not enough. It will be big cause I'm safe to say the truck was doing the speed limit and some
  7. Is it this one: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C....htm?key=739487 Such a mint 'vert.
  8. Nice M3 to start with! Nicer in the end though.
  9. Pic 4 all the way. Although 2nd ones look real clean.
  10. The ultimate E30. Those wheels look pretty good also.
  11. Cale

    Nissan GTR

    Why do car manufacturers never put dish on their rims?
  12. Those look mint! Polished lip FTW.
  13. Cale

    Funny but true!

    Hahaha, love the awkwardness ones!
  14. Wow, that would be damn scary, hope everyone was okay.
  15. Thats mint! Can only imagine what yours is going to be like.
  16. Bimmersport Bimmers dominating Euro section!
  17. Haha, classic! Was hoping I had one organised but didn't turn out.
  18. Cale

    Bam's new LP640

    Man! I would've, and never washed my hand again.
  19. Hey Scotty, Looks like a mint buy, look forward to see your progress. Cale
  20. Damn, thats looking real nice, love the leather! Take it from me, the transformation is huge. Well done Alex.
  21. Cale


    Yeah, I agree, it is a very good resource with great bunch of members. Welcome Vanos.
  22. Awesome man, damn right its undergone some changes. Cant wait for some pics!
  23. Haha, I felt like a dork. Good man, found that I needed another one after your 320i...from what I see you've made a few changes
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