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Everything posted by Haitoman

  1. It's not as bad as it sounds: - Must provide evidence of it meeting current NZ frontal impact standard - Must be Euro 4 emissions (this will go up to Euro 5 I'm sure) - Inspection for evidence of accident damage repair - Underbody inspection - evidence of corrosion is permitted but must not be structural - Seatbelt inspection - Lights as per spec - No modifications other than factory - plus standard VTNZ WoF
  2. That's exactly what I did...the space closed pretty quick though :-)
  3. Even after 2 years in the E46 M3 it still amazes me how good it really is in the handling department. The wind was gusting 130km/hr today around Wellington and the M3 was solid on the road. Not even a hint of being blown around on a 100km round trip...and talk about a grand exhaust note in the Mt Vic tunnel. Had to share....
  4. I'm after a set or E46 M3 Cabrio mats with logo. Not the thin flimsy type but the good heavy ones. Anyone know where to get these (Turners are LHD only so no good to me).
  5. Haitoman


    I'm parting with my F10 535i MSport (Carbon Black) and am offering it to enthusiasts on here first. I bought it brand new in the UK in 2012 - It was bought specifically to bring to NZ by me so it is all NZ spec'd. It has never been used in the UK. It only has 4000km on it and is in absolutely pristine unmarked condition...spotless in, out, above and below. If you are in this market then you will be getting a brand new luxury high spec BMW for around 85k ono. PM me for further info.
  6. You need to paint your calipers black...
  7. Usually a bad earth through corrosion around a bulb holder.
  8. Well the ScratchX seems to have done the trick and it looks a lot better. Now after a bit of polish and wax it looks like I have just had a new panel fitted. Guess I have to do the whole car now.
  9. Don't even joke. I've been up all night (it's now 3.45am) trying to think of a way to stop it. I can't believe I've lost sleep over a stupid cat.
  10. I have some. Should I use it with a polisher or by hand?
  11. Went out to clean the M3 in the sun today. Neighbours cat has been sleeping on the bonnet and has left scratches where it jumps up. Will these polish out? Also notice some bird crap has badly eaten the clearkote in one spot....can't win.
  12. You need to order before 30/6 US time to get an extra 10% UUC's weekend promotion! Your UUC order gets 10% off and FREE SHIPPING* Expires Monday 6/30/2014 after midnight. * UUC-branded items only. Does not include H&R, Shark Injector, Schroth, etc. Free shipping via UPS Ground or USPS Standard, continental USA orders only. Free shipping DOES NOT APPLY TO BRAKE ROTORS, SWAYBARS, OR EXHAUST SYSTEMS.
  13. Yep...I would have chucked the stuff too. Some people have no clue.
  14. http://www.captaintransporter.co.nz/quote-request/car ...360 bucks plus grab and snatch.
  15. I try and park miles from everyone but some a**hole always pulls up alongside in their beat up piece of crap. I always try to avoid damaging other cars with my doors but never works the other way.
  16. Nice M....and I'll bet your wife didn't really want to be in the photo.
  17. Hi Andy, A pair of Euro silver fern plates for the M3 for me please. Let me know details required etc.
  18. Andy...Am I too late to participate in this group buy? I have a Euro plinth so might as well use it. What do i do?
  19. Haitoman

    M3 parcel

    N i c e ..... tell me how the fitting goes.
  20. Expansion tanks are not expensive. Fitting one is fun....I did mine on a 330 and ended up with lots of cuts and scrapes.
  21. Good luck importing one....emissions is a problem.
  22. Don't forget that fitting spacers will void your insurance unless the vehicle is re-certified. http://lowvolumevehicle.co.nz/2012/02/wheel-spacers-faqs/
  23. RE050A are an above average match and really stick to the road. If you are loading the car then get the stiffer wall version for not much more $$. If you want to go cheaper then Toyo Proxes 4 Plus have a good rep.
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