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Everything posted by Haitoman

  1. S54 under the hood...
  2. I want to buy some wheel spacers in Wellington region tomorrow. Anyone know who stocks quality 10mm and 15mm for my E46 M3? I need a retailer so my wife doesn't see a credit card transaction...LOL.
  3. For the sake of a 35 minute drive to the Kapiti Coast there is also... http://www.mikepageeuropean.co.nz/ or if you want honest and personal service... http://www.mechanicskapiti.co.nz/ both of which I would highly recommend.
  4. I agree that using the above tool does an Immobiliser delete instead of wiring in a clutch switch. If you can live with no immobiliser it does the SMG - Manual software swap job just fine.
  5. This... http://www.mss54.info/tools/
  6. That's too expensive for a 2002 build.
  7. If you have roasted coffee you will know that it gasses off for a few days after roasting ie. when very fresh. So tell me how fresh coffee releases gasses inside those sealed Nespresso capsules...unless it is not that fresh.
  8. Just curious about what model car this is...http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11457986
  9. 'Might' be rusty...My offer of $100 to anyone who finds any corrosion at all on or under my 2012 UK import still stands. If none found you pay me.
  10. I sort of meant that by saying a 2006+ vehicle. Unless you are unlucky most would be Euro 4 exhaust emissions as the NZ standard is still 2007. The SIV route is safest for older LV cars. Before doing anything I recommend finding out when they intend switching to Euro 5 as you don't want to get caught out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. ...and good luck with that unless you buy a low volume 2006+ vehicle or intend to own it for 21 months or more in the UK. If any earlier be prepared to spend many hours writing up your SIV application. Once you get that sorted the export process takes 5 minutes to organise.
  12. Hard top...best of both worlds.
  13. Looks dodgy - I wouldn't trust anything like that.
  14. If the sale for the carbon ones falls through PM me.
  15. Haitoman


    I never made it to work, and no trains tomorrow morning means another day off 'cos it isn't worth driving in according to tomorrow's forecast. Looks like a fair bit of rain due about 4am on the Coast.
  16. Haitoman


    God is good.....good god look at the weather.
  17. Definitely not...It never knocks no matter what fuel I put in.
  18. I do usually but I sometimes get caught out and have to go to a Z which doesn't have it. It just so happened that I was out in the wops and the nearest station was a Challenge.
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