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Everything posted by Jibs05

  1. Jibs05

    getrag 240

    also if any members out there have a getrag240 from an m42, or a getrag260 they are will to sell give me a pm thanks
  2. Jibs05

    getrag 240

    hey guys some of you have read that i got ripped off not long ago, any way, i have a getrag 240 i may be selling if i dont get all my money back, picture attatched. not sure how much these go for so im going to throw it up for 250. pm if any interests or comments thanks
  3. yes it would be for now, but i hear its much easier to bolt an m50b25 to a 260? and also 260 is stronger? if anyone can confirm that would be great. i bought a brand new HD exedy yesterday to cheer myself up
  4. thanks for the advice! if only i knew before...
  5. did it cost 650 to clean? hhaha
  6. this is the F*%kheads link... http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-...n-412744062.htm
  7. hi all! unfortunately my luck has run out, and got worse, the A*#HOLE who sold me a "getrag 260" conversion with a "MINT" clutch ripped me off i have a getrag 240 sitting on the stand with a totally ROOTED clutch.... had to vent sorry lol going to get my money back. hopefully
  8. hi guys thanks i found and bought some for $60 thanks for your help!!
  9. hi all! im in need of a set of 325i m20b25 injectors if any one has any please leave a message or pm me!! thanks!!
  10. ooh no i dont know the length... i was unaware of the different sized drive shafts. im after one to fit my 320i 1988 e30 coupe. thanks
  11. thanks!! yeah it was on TM, im from the central auckland area, bought it from a really nice lady from out west, parau i think the place was called. although it has some things that need fixing *cough* Injectors *cough* im really enjoying it
  12. hey mate, how wide are your 16s? want to sell? thanks
  13. Jibs05

    E30 bits for beers

    hi, is the steering rack sold? thanks
  14. Jibs05

    Random e30 parts

    hi could i get that airflow meter? and the electric fan? thanks
  15. hi guys, im after a e30 drive shaft to suit a getrag260 gearbox in a e30 coupe? preferably in auckland area or even north island. thanks
  16. Jibs05

    E30 diff

    would like to see what size diff could be interested
  17. looks awesome! woodgrain looks sweet! are those 25mm spacers?
  18. http://www.strathspey.co.uk/bb/phpBB3/view...=a&start=10 here is another, im thinking about doing this setup myself
  19. hi guys ive been looking for an e30 for about a month and a half, found a green e30 coupe im 20yo and currently studying, marine engineering. i would like to call my self mechanically minded haha (currently making my own cold air box for my e30) ive got my own welding gear (mig, oxy/ace, tig) ive worked with 5 axis cnc machines and also milling machines. just basic knowledge. my friends call me juubs (joobs) thanks guys ill not to be too much of a bother sorry i cant post any pics**
  20. could you text me 0n o21o25o5o63 for viewing thanks
  21. hi how wide are these? thanks
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