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  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday May 18

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    Richard H
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  • Car
    E30 318/2 coupe

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  1. Nah sold it on.. kids and houses take all the fun away. I'm starting a new project using your parts anyway ?
  2. is the 6cyl coding plug still avail?

    E30 M52 Swap

    sorry to revive an old thread but Im also doing this conversion soon. i have a g250 box and a M52B28 coming from japan. how much performance gains would i expect if i fit a set of S5x ITBs and a decent exhaust manifold?
  4. Honestly theyre not that tight.. not like other ones ive had to remove from volvos at work. Sometimes need to grind the whole head off it cos theres so much loctite on the threads!
  5. Yeh i used a die grinder to cut a slot in the heads then used a screw driver to remove them. Just ran with standard hex bolts on it now.
  6. Thanks. Its an xsi with an s16 engine swap gone from 80hp 8v to 155hp 16v heaps of fun.. heres engine pre install and car as she sits now
  7. Not quite that easy unfortunately although that is possible with a hotwire of which i dont have... i just used a hacksaw blade and gently shaved it down. Will post more pics up shortly..
  8. mould pretty much finished just smoothing and filling. Tomorrow i will layer the kevlar and then layers of fibreglass followed by a final layer of carbonfibre (mainly just for cosmetic purposes)
  9. So today i started filling the roof hole in with pouring foam. Needs filling and sanding etc after the general shape is made and then i will fibreglass over the top. The theory is that when the fibreglass is set i can pull away the foam and be left with a roof skin. final picture is a roll of kevlar im going to use just to give it more strength and hopefully stop fg splinters coming through in the event of a roll over. Will post more pics as i make more progress.
  10. Lol some how i dont think this jack owes people money.. someone to steer clear of though by the sounds of it?
  11. Was going to use it for that but decided it would be a better (removable) radiator support panel as mine got the chop
  12. id like to introduce you to the latest member of the e30 build jack..
  13. Thanks josh, it had been alot of hard work so far. And the fruits of my labour are finally starting to show
  14. Haha yeh true! I wish i had paint to detail lol all in good time though..
  15. Sorry for the slow progress.. been trying to get my pug back on the road after its engine swap.. here is todays efforts. Glued and riveted in lexan rear window and painted window surround and top of guard. A little more sanding and fibreglass to do on front lower section of guard and she will get a lick of paint.. next stage is roof and lexan side windows...
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