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Everything posted by MattA

  1. MattA


    Sorry to hear Gus.. hope it all pans out maybe get someone to value it high as a fast appreciating classic or something cheers Matt
  2. h/B-day Sic cheers Matt
  3. MattA

    HB Glenn

    Happy B/day Glenn have a goodie cheers Matt
  4. MattA

    325 Exhaust

    Thanks but want a bolt up no weld or anything... not that I can weld cheers Matt
  5. MattA

    Exhaust Manifold

    Exits on the 2.5 are bigger than the 2.0 and have a different stud pattern... but that was on mine which has had some odd ball things So to answer your Q a b20 manifold will fit you head but won't fit your exhaust. if you can get a 323 2 peice manifold they are supposed to flow better cheers Matt
  6. MattA

    325 Exhaust

    Does anyone have one sitting round? Not in a hurry and I'm in Hamilton cheers Matt
  7. MattA


    Mine sounds like a sewing machine on P... and if the hole in the dash had a stereo I'd turn it up.. Not worried though still goes sweet cheers Matt
  8. Whats supporting your airflow meter? if you let it hang you'll end up with cracks/splits in your inlet boot = bad cheers Matt
  9. Yes.. If it's not a thermostat whats the thing that opens when oil temp comes up? as on mine oil isn't being pumped through the cooler when it's cold. It's the bit on the filter head often prone to leaking. I could be wrong but I bought a new seal for it from C/J BMW cheers Matt
  10. MattA

    guess what I have

    Congrats God.... 2 black lines.... :thumb: can I ask what you paid? cheers Matt thanks "God" I forgot
  11. MattA


    Spongy brakes.....no more just fit some great big custom brakes and a 25mm MC easy..
  12. MattA

    GRrRR starter

    It's the same I think I'll check it out tonite and let u know. cheers Matt
  13. MattA

    GRrRR starter

    Gus I have a spare pre facelift starter motor not sure of condition but if you want it we can arrange something (it was going kept it form my engine swap) cheers Matt
  14. I'm currently working for an Architectural firm as a CAD monkey (ArchiCAD 9) and consulting project manager for a large Oil Company. Got here after a history in the building industry and studying most of a Dip, in Architectural Tech (got credited most of it) I have a background in building mostly alternative construction (rammed earth, straw bale, logs) both here in NZ (Wanaka on and off from '94 - 2000) and overseas (Aus & UK). breifly bluffed my way through 3 months as a brick layer in UK. I've also worked as a Grill chef in Australia and 2nd chef in Wanaka. other occupations include pump attendant, ski field liftie, farm labourer, summer season as an Aparist (bee keeper), waiter, barman, fencing contractor and rousie (shearers Labourer). All that in 16 years, can't wait to retire... cheers Matt
  15. We've got a '04 Yamaha YZ250F scale 1:1... :thumb:
  16. 112km in 100 zone passing a car towing a boat using a passing lane. not bad only ticket ever been driving for 16yrs... yes I'm an old f***er cheers Matt
  17. MattA


    I may be mistaken and correct me if thats the case.. but I understand that if you break the law then you get a fine. So if you don't want fines/demerit points DON'T break the law... pretty simple really...just my take on it cheers Matt
  18. MattA


    Go with full custom brakes.... E30/Evo 4...25mm master thanks to Glenn and then Gus
  19. MattA

    Dumb WOF Question

    Correct Grant if you remove both lights, as they are auxillary lights. I have removed mine for the same reason (both broken) and never been asked about it. I now have blanks in the holes but didn't to begin with. cheers Matt
  20. MattA

    Fuel Economy

    Damm.. I get about 400k's from a tank 55ltr? but tend to have my foot up it most the time '87 325 manual using a bastardised L-Jet system (never been properly tuned)
  21. Go look at your local Library, they will most likely have a manual... just photocopy the bits you need. Used the Hamilton library heaps when I did my engine swap... Might make me sound old but libraries rock...
  22. MattA

    Pics of my Ride

    Na the seats are vinyl.. not so great on a hot day.. the exhaust is a made to fit by a blind guy special but it will be gone at some stage (when headers are made.. Ian you still doing copies this year?)... my knobs not normally that shiny got it as it's heavy and with the short shift it makes a big difference still real notchy but vastley improved, I don't know the physics behind it but it does work.. thanks Andrew had no idea on the colour would have just said gold.. cheers Matt
  23. MattA

    Pics of my Ride

    The wheels where on it when we got it Avanti somethings.. The seats I got from a wrecked '90 M3 from Japan came with mounts took all of 10 min to fit and real comfortable. no offence taken m325i.. Don't know what the colours called but hides the dirt real well.. cheers Matt
  24. MattA

    Pics of my Ride

    Not big about 85kg 6ft... do have a big cock if thats what u mean :pimp:
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