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Everything posted by pldubs

  1. The only thing I cant stand on the road is merging like a button.. Am I wrong for pulling ahead of someone so I obey the rule?
  2. pldubs

    Roof Rack Fairing

    Just gona bump this post cause its awesome.. Will post a pic of mine soon.
  3. pldubs

    Interior bits

    some leather electric sports out of a e36TI sitting down the local wreckers. Can go snag em if youre interested?
  4. Could be an option, Only prepared to pay 7,000,000 dollhairs doe. Im good for it too. trust me.
  5. My Makita 1-Ways arrive soon so I need some factory springs for my eventual green sticker. Chur
  6. Beautiful, This needs Air. Some inspiration http://www.stanceworks.com/2012/03/a-walk-in-the-park-with-my-gal-mike-burroughss-1971-bmw-e9/
  7. You are without a doubt the slowest.
  8. When were you born? the 50s? Baby Boomers f**ked our planet - Most of them, Yes. =/
  9. +1 Paul is the man, Parts pretty much always arrive within a couple hours, Dudes got customer service on lock.
  10. Ask yourself this, are you happy with what you sold them for? If so, dont worry about it. People suck. Thats why aliens havent said wassup yet. =D
  11. I wouldnt trust any adjustables under $1500. Even if they fit fine and drop it low, its probably going to ride like sh*t.
  12. He couldnt do me for Sustained loss of traction. It wasnt in any way sustained. It was the car chopping a gear and sliding 2 feet. Aaaalso, I was doing maybe 10kph?
  13. Best. Crash. Ever. I would love to flip a car.. is that wrong? Volvos are sweet dude! Fills its purpose perfectly and for $3500!! you thief! When are we all going to catch up for beers? I wana see your luxobarge!
  14. Ill give it a crack I suppose. Havent got much of a past.. just a whole bunch of paid no wof no reg fines from over 4 years ago.
  15. Hahaha I know I know =P Yeah thats what I honestly thought it was, Antil33t was in the car at the time and was convinced something was on the road. Def counting my lucky stars there, Wont be trying to fight it, Easier to just chuck the fine on payment at $5 a week and accept that my $1000 e28 is now a $1600 e28 =(
  16. Has anyone been let off a loss of traction incident ? Pretty much, I was turning left at a roundabout in the new e28 which obviously has far to many torques for me to handle, The arse end kicked out and whammy $600 fine for driving in a Dangerous / Annoying manner. What sucks sh*t is that I wasnt actually meaning for it to happen it was pissing rain and I was off the throttle the second it let go. Now, Ive been let off before for pretty much the same thing but on a corner. I explained that it was wet etc. It seems strange that I got let off in a slammed e36 with Mags bei but dont get let off in a factory grandad spec e28... Anyone ever successfully talked their way out of a similar situation? My conversation ended with the cop telling me if his 2013 Holden with TC and 225s doesnt do it I must be driving like a lunatic.
  17. I offered him $600 for them as he wants $600 for the car without them, Wasnt keen. f**ks me how that works.
  18. Makita one way adjustables give a better ride I heard
  19. m50b25, will give you plenty to play with
  20. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-505077092.htm
  21. pldubs

    5 Million

    Invest 2m Mum 1m Best Mates Split 1m Travel 100k House 750k 330i Manual e46 Touring 20k? ( I duno what theyre worth ) e36 m50T Drift Hack 30k Worked 1971 911.. 50k..ish Probably piss the last 50k away. yolo
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