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Everything posted by pldubs

  1. Im keen to see it, we are going to look at an e36 wagon in the arvo so could meet up for some yarns.
  2. I love how the dude jumps on the beam to run down! hahah
  3. Sound awesome, I feel your pain of missing out Tom, but then again I dont cause im jealous you even get a mention. Hahah
  4. So what goes on at an event like this? Do a bunch of shiny heads sip lattes and talk shop, then get let out for a real fang? Or do you have to crawl around the track with an instructor?
  5. yo dude, I got XYZs from Speedfactor, Ride mint, and go low as This is the rear on lowest with rings in This is front lowest with rings in
  6. My question is this. Do YOU think it looks good? There is your answer.
  7. Lol such bite! what a nerdy thing to link to.. Shoulda atleast been midget porn or something hysterical !
  8. Whats wrong with 225s? these cant be anyworse than supercats in any size?
  9. http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/25911-splitting-welded-3-piece-wheels/ Some info you might need. I think they will be welded down the join of the lip to center. Best to just buy em and have a crack. Whats $200 these days ya know?
  10. for $200 you may aswel just buy them and see. sh*t size though, and WHY OH WHY do people weld splits!?!?
  11. http://bimmersport.co.nz/forums/uploads/monthly_06_2014/post-2864-0-99166800-1401918038.jpg http://www.bmwstylewheels.com/bmw/95 Style 95s, doo it
  12. Dont even get me started on the Vag
  13. car was freshly polished!!! hahah guy was just a dick. Lots of locals have laughed and said theyve had bad experiences too.
  14. 4k and youll be sitting pretty? Cant really expect much more I dont think? If I wasnt all up in the VAG I would be more than keen on it dude! GLWS
  15. Dont buy style 32s bro. Straight up. Theyre bastards to clean and every second e36 stanceboy wants them now. Buy splits, change the game and be next level.
  16. Ive been through it before, " say that again and youll be locked up " Said it again, got taken to the station, " sorry we wasted your time Mr Manley have a great afternoon " " one love officer "
  17. Thats the plan my man
  18. Yo just to clarify, Its certed and is 100% within the boundaries of my cert plate +/- 15%, this guy was just being a knob and I wanted to rant. It doesnt matter now, I just sold it as is to a local dude.
  19. howd you get in? Id say just go locksmith get a quote see how much they want to rip you
  20. A certificate of what?
  21. Got pulled up a few months ago, too low for cert, got given a day to fix it up, did so all sweet. went for a wof today and failed on to low and no suspension travel ( LOL Its called coilovers wound stiff ) I havent touched my suspension since the day I got off the fine. What the f**k is the go here? I told the wof guy the yarn and he says " the police arent certified WOF inspectors " So going off that the next time I get pulled over I can say " f**k off you arent a certified wof inspector "
  22. They shoulda stuck with HOEmax yellow. Curry aftermath yellow sounds a lot better than phoenix yellow also..
  23. England deserve a win, 5 Liverpool players will tear it up and keep them in the comp for awhile atleast im sure.
  24. pldubs

    WTB: E46 M3

    Lol.. I pmd you saying dont be a c**t cause both 318s and 3.0m3s arent the be all and end all of bmw. Better to have a yarn via pm than on here, but you obviously want people to SEE your gallant defence of SMG, You the man bro, read my question again before you defend against friend and make yourself look like a champ.
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