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Everything posted by Driftit

  1. No pics. But it goes Airbox/Short Bent Rubber pipe/adapter/cover. The adapter clips into the cover.
  2. Driftit


    Some of the Machines take the money back if nobody takes it. But if there was someone waiting and they took it it's too bad.
  3. Grass = Would not attend Track = Would attend
  4. Looked into the MSI Wind's. Going to go and check one out. They come with the newer 280 processor yet are the same price or cheaper than than the other brands which are still running the 270's. http://www.playtech.co.nz/product.php?acti...ail&id=7667 Also comes with a 6 cell battery from standard.
  5. Those are around the same figures I am getting in my 540. Around town I am a little more due to a heavy foot. 14-15L/100 around town.
  6. I just realised. If I use the m20b25 I have in the garage which I got cheap and put that into my Racecar which I purchased for $800. Could I then enter it? As it will be less than $1500 excluding the saftey gear like the cage and seats.
  7. Hahaha this would be awesome mate. Could it be anything under $1500? You can get some quite good cars for under that. Should make it $500 for NZ. Lol. Would have some awesome heaps of sh*t running around.
  8. Driftit

    I don't get this

    I am surprised you are bringing up a case where the guy caused no harm to the public or the person he kidnapped. Yet just a few weeks ago there was an article about a person who is now walking free after gunning down and killing 3 or 4 people and wounding another 3 or 4. He was smoking Weed when he did this so got away with being under the influence and deemed crazy. He spent a short amount of time in an asylum. Now walks the streets of Lower Hutt.
  9. Ok here is the diff between the Z530 and N2** processor. http://ark.intel.com/Compare.aspx?ids=36331,35463, Looks to be heaps of bugger all. Worth the extra $150? Was just playing around and built a Dell with the 280 Processor for $800 delivered. 160gb hdd and a 10.1 screen. But this got me. WIRELESS NETWORK CARD Dell Wireless 1510 802.11n Half Mini-Card Does this mean the dell does not have it built in?
  10. Once again cheers for the info. Just spent the midday driving around in the shitty weather checking them out at various stores. Prices are all over the place which is annoying. There is so many different model numbers also. And hardly any differance between models. I quite like the HP Mini with the 10.1 screen. Very nice looking. Was only able to find the 270 processor. Is this the latest? Or is the 280? No 280's in the store though. Had a go with the Acer one also. 8.9 screen. I don't think I will go for this one though. The 10" screen seems to be the go for me. The Acer also felt a bit flimsy. The only other brand the stores I went to had was the Asus. A very nice machine. But all of them only had the small 8gb SSD drive. I think I would prefer something a little bigger to be honest. I would however go for the Sony if it was less than $1000. But it is not. Far from it. But such a nice machine. Was not able to see the Lenovo up front. But I see Playtech has them over the shore. They seem a very good price and still come with everything the other models have. Do you think I should bother with one that has a Sim Slot? E.g. Has built in 3g via Vodarape or Telecon? This is the Lenovo http://www.playtech.co.nz/product.php?acti...ail&id=7406 This is the current Dell http://www1.ap.dell.com/nz/en/home/noteboo...s&cs=nzdhs1 The 10 and 10V have diff processors. The 10V has a Z530 which I have not seen on other mini's This is the current HP's of which I like the keyboard and style. http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/nz/en/ho/WF...57-3832382.html Not seen the MSI. But will look it up.
  11. Not waiting for Windows 7. I am running Windows 7 64bit on my PC now. There is nothing really worth waiting for that would make it better than Win XP for what I want out of it. I am going to have a wonder around a few shops today to see them face to face. I am not going for anything Sony anymore. As they are double the price of similar Asus and Lenovo ones. Will have a look and the Lenovo range and let you know my e36
  12. I would like to purchase one next week for Uni. Has anybody got one or know a little about them? Obviously I do not need it to do anything hard core as I have quite a powerful desktop at home. Most reviews that I can find are not comparisons between models. But the Asus Eee-PC's seem to get good ratings and have a great battery. But come with Linux. There is a few last year models on TM at very cheap prices. But would like a new one with a full warranty. The Sony Viao ones seem very expensive. But have large SSD's which is attractive. The other brand that seems to be everywhere is the Acers. They just seem to be the run of the mill ones. The Dell ones seem kinda pricey for what you get. Any help or suggestions are welcomed. BTW. I want a mini for its size. I know a laptop is more powerful etc. All it will be used for is the internet and office. Typical Uni work.
  13. I would happily replace my 540 with the diesel. But they are expensive and rare. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-232415010.htm
  14. Each to their own then. I found the 528 gutless. But thats personal preference.
  15. Cool cheers guys. Will come and see you at some stage Glenn. We need to sus it out so we can sell it.
  16. Driftit

    Class Bores Me

    Did a similar class last year. So sh*t. I just let everyone copy off me in the exam which took me about 30 mins out of 2 hours. Spent the rest of the exam on Bimmersport and Facebook. I am going to do a BIS next year if I can be bothered. Pretty much the same sh*t I just did in my Diploma but even more unexciting.
  17. My plate was $300. Got it for my 21st 7 years ago. Will never buy one myself. My plate now resides under some BMW parts in the garage for the rest of time.
  18. Most people on here suggest to stay away from the 6 cyln E39's. They are quite gutless. It is always best to get a pre inspection check done by a BMW specialist.
  19. Hey guys. Scanned my brothers 728 to see why his ABS lights were coming on and it looks like he has some faulty Wheel Speed Sensors. So will replace them soon. Here is the codes. 041 Wheel Speed, rear right 019 ASC monitoring 038 Wheel Speed, front left Now ASC is of course the traction control. Would this be caused by the faulty Wheel speed sensors? Or is this a complete differant unit? They all came at once. Just want to make sure. Was using a X431 Diagnostic tool.
  20. Name and Shame them I say. Hit up Fair Go. Most companies will do what they can to avoid bad publicity. Being a young business owner/operator thats been wronged by a larger corporate I would think Fair Go would like a story like that.
  21. I am not BMW obsessed. I just like them. I would happily put mine through a crusher to get my hands on a New Jag XFR. I just find BMW's best value for money in my price range.
  22. What JIB said is pretty much dead on. I found the E30's to be very snappy and unpredictable at higher speeds. This was due to the short wheel base. There is one E30 drifter in NZ. But that car has a Nissan RB20DET in it. Never seen it run myself. But as for the burnouts and stunts on the front page. Meh. Nothing new. This is a drifting stunt show. No doubt where the African guy got his idea. Cars a little more powerful than an E30.
  23. MmmmmMmmMMmmmmmmMMMmMMM Will swap you an E39 540, E30 #42 Race Series Car, E38 and two E36's. Oh and another E30.
  24. Vodafone killed supper club when they moved to the viaduct. Use to go up there every Friday after work.
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