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Everything posted by Driftit

  1. Driftit

    nfs pro street

    Yeah I have owned every NFS since the first one too. But I stopped buying them after I played the last 4. Carbon was a joke. The drifting was just so crap it wasn't funny. Wont be getting the new one. Oh and Brad. Hope you have a wicked good computer for CRYSYS. I got it the other day and I can't even play on the lowest settings without chop. If you have a 8800GTS with about 2 gig of ram you should be fine.
  2. Yeah my Dad, Brother and I all joined this year. Mainly as a requirement of the E30 race series. But there is alot of benefits with it.
  3. Would be quite fun. Only a few years away too. http://www.dailytech.com/Nissan+Develops+C...article9611.htm
  4. And you will find bits of glass months down the track. Pain in the ass that is.
  5. Oh rude man. I just chased some kids off who were hiding up the side of my house. I dont know if they were trying to see whats in the garage or if they were just hiding from friends though.
  6. Is this the one we can use for the E30 Series?
  7. You did state it was being sold by auction. Is an obvious mistake. Hope the dudes not a cock about it. lol
  8. Driftit

    Netball WC

    You all like cars right? Watch the A1GP and back us!! New Zealand is leading the championship at the moment. Screw Netball. Rugby can take a back seat for a while. And Cricket is only good to get drunk at.
  9. Driftit

    Gran Turismo 5

    Just translated that . What I mean, is that there is so many people who have not played other console sims, yet think GT is the only good one. Try some others. And if you are interested in a console race sim. That has E36, E46 M3's. An E46 M3 CSL. And E46 M3 race cars. That you can do up how you like. Adjust nearly every aspect of the handling. And the physics are great. Try Forza 2 on the 360.
  10. Driftit

    Gran Turismo 5

    No I am not. I am talking about the Prologe Demo or what ever it is called. Its all in JAP only. Took us forever to figure out how to race. Im not sure if it is released in English yet. GT's Physics are sh*t. They have been since Forza came along and mopped them up. Now its just the Fanboys that like GT. I use to like GT. But then started trying other arcade sims. And Forza is the best you can get on a console. I dont really like PC sims too much. As there is no road cars, and no modding. They are nearly all Race car sims.
  11. Driftit

    Gran Turismo 5

    Played the Demo. Graphics are awesome. But thats about it. Physics need alot of work. No where near as good as Forza 2. Its better than the previous crap GT game. But they just focus on looks too much.
  12. I thought it would be kinda cool. But every Apple product I have had has died. All under warranty which is lucky. But still a massive inconvenience. I just dont trust the Apple brand. And I rely to much on the use of my phone. Whats the battery life on these things like anyway?
  13. Oh and did you guys know that BK pre cooks its meat then pops it into a container. I got two cheeseburgers from BK in the Downtown mall in Auckland. Its one of those food court places where you can see what they are doing. At first I was praying to god that the dude was just going to use gloves. He did. But was stunned when he pulled the meat patty out of a warming draw. Then put it in the Microwave!! Dont know if it was because I was stunned or if it was because I was starving. But I didn't complain.
  14. Driftit

    Bull Run

    I watched all the way through. Not a bad series. You can bet the second series they make will be alot better. A few rules need to be adjusted.
  15. Best thing you can do to make a 50cc go faster is to take a crap before you ride and go on a diet. But if you hit the limiter in top gear to quick you can increase the size of the rear cog. You may have to make one up unless it is a big brand like Thumpster where you can get them off the shelf. The cheap ones from China are junk. Wont last long if you thrash it doing jumps etc. So take care of it and treat it well if it is one. Dont run it on Av Gas. Haha. Trust me on this one. They sieze quickly. I am cranking a minibike from 1981. Called a Truetest. Real popular back then. I added disk brakes and a new paint job. Does about 65kph with my fat ass on it. 4 stroke B&S power!!!
  16. I have gone right off BK. The last 3 or 4 times I have been there, the buns have been stale as hell. The meat is like old boot leather and the workers need a good kick in the nuts. Mind you. Who the hell would take pride in working in one of those dumps full time. Oh and Wendy's in Botany. Dont go there. The workers all piss around and joke and swear like they are at the pub. Some lady went off her bisket at the manager who swore in front of her two small kids. Yes the manager. If you want a burger spend the money and go to Burger Fuel or Burger Wesconson. No point in bitching about the sh*t "burgers" you get from these other places.
  17. Driftit

    Bull Run

    Anybody watching Bull Run? One of those reality TV shows. But its got some sweet cars in it. Even one that you BMW people might like. An E46 M3. First Episode was on last night I think. But you can just download the whole series. I have seen up to Episode 4 so far. And I really want to slap the M3 owner. He is a tool. But its not bad. Have a watch. And dont post up any spoilers if you have seen the whole series like some tools have done on other forums.
  18. Driftit

    Russian Cellphones

    Oh god. I droped my phone in the throne once. I left it there.
  19. I only buy Jap models. The NZ new versions of the cars I am interested in are much much lower spec and usually poorly looked after. In in the case of the Nissan 180SX Type X. It was only sold in Japan. If a NZ new car has no service history. I would rather go Jap. No way am I paying more for a NZ new car with no history. Most NZ new cars have a higher chance of Rust for some reason. You would think it would be the other way around.
  20. People that have their mates bumping up their $1 auctions when there is F all bids. This really gets to me. This is so obvious in some auctions. e.g Auction is just about to close at $63. Bang someone that bids on all the other users auctions bumps the price to $150 and it doesn't sell. If you wanted fricken $150 for it, make that its reserve!
  21. Wholly Horrid Bodykit Batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Early mock up. Cant see it getting any better!
  22. Haha my mate has a one seater similar to this. Its funny as. Passenger has to sit on the tray. lol
  23. Wholly crap really? I got mine for $50. Guess it comes down to what the selling thinks they are worth. I will give you $50 for yours too if you like.
  24. Driftit

    Left vs Right

    Ah I did it. haha. Im the same as you sweetm3. Just blink and it changes.
  25. Driftit

    Left vs Right

    I see it going clockwise and cant make it go anti. Does it count if you change the direction of which you look at her. E.g. If looking down she would be going clockwise. If looking from below she would be going anticlockwise.
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