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atlantiskiwi last won the day on January 27 2014

atlantiskiwi had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

73 Excellent


About atlantiskiwi

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 12/16/1986

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  • Car
    E39 530i Motorsport 2003
  • Car 2
    E36 M3 1994 Coupe
  • Race Car
    E36 M3 3.0L

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4420 profile views
  1. atlantiskiwi

    M TOY M3

    Car looks staunch! LOVE those photos. Mate, do you realise you have 32k views!? That's insane.
  2. Gidday mate, I am about to order some plates. You don't happen to have some lying around before I do?
  3. Which 328i did you pick up? Not the black 328is that was for sale last few weeks?
  4. Hi, I am looking for a Lower Chain tensioner part number - M50/S50: 11-31-1-405-081 (Tensioner) 07-11-9-963-418 (Gasket ring)
  5. Brad, have you spoken with Gregory BMW tech from HB? He had the exact same problem with my mates 3.0 m3 and they eventually fixed it. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this to you but thought I would mention it again.
  6. For some reason the tapatalk app isn't working. Says their was a fatal error and it hasn't updated for a week. I have reinstalled but no good.
  7. atlantiskiwi

    FS E36 bits

    Spoke with him Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
  8. atlantiskiwi

    FS E36 bits

    Do you mind sending him.my details. Richard - 021620633 Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
  9. Pic isn't the best, but I had the 530i wheels resprayed and rust removed from fuel cap area. It was rusting where the two panels meet. It's been pissing me off for years. Good as new now. Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
  10. picked these up from pick a part...cheap. sometimes you fluke it. Cleaned them up and will get them resprayed. Wondering what colour to go. Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
  11. PmdSent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
  12. Looking at buying the same springs. Very keen to see some pics of them installed and hear what you think they ride like. Running factory dampners?Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
  13. Bump Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
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