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Everything posted by pureboiracer

  1. hey does anyone know of any good wreckers to go to in wellington region for my bema. apart from specialised auto?
  2. hey sorry kind of need something more perminent and have no way of getting to auks but thanks
  3. hey i have about 300 bucks and i need a little shitter car thats real good on gas. while my e30 is off the road prefrably with a wof bt ok if not. hopefuly manual A.S.A,P anyone in the wellington area got anything?
  4. compulsory insurance is the worse thing you can do. if there is compolsery insurance premiums will skyrocket for everyone because the companys no you have no other alternative. ive seen it happen in england and im sure it will happen here 2. i like the sound of shutting off a old industrial road or something say after 9 on 1 or 2 nights a week and have the police hosting drags. sure it may not be bulletproof and people will crash from time to time but atleast they wont be crashing into inocent drivers. and there will be medical servaces etc available. the reason noone has any respect for the police these days is because the current boyracer act is stupid and if the cop decides to take your car and your lisence even if you do nothing wrong because everything is up to the cops descresion so if you had to jump on your brakes all of a sudden and skidded slightly you could loose your lisence and your car if the cop was having a bad day. and im sure no one would be bad mouthing about a police oficer if he pulled you up for doing 112k in a 100k zone and just gave you a warning or even if he was just nice and polite. dont get me wrong it does happen but not always. but the thing is boy racers have always been around and always will be. you cant get rid of them but you can work with some of them to try and make the roads abit safer. boy racers always will have a kind of bullet proof mentality but that is just something that comes with there age you just have to live with it.
  5. has the diff been pulled apart? if so has it all been properly aligned when put back together. is lsd adjustable? might be adjusted to tight. and also check that your rear axels arnt on a hard angle because of the diff. if it is a cant imagen it would be to good for your cvs
  6. hey guys im after a 316 badge for my worked up 325i lol anyone got one?
  7. i hear the blistein shocks with h and r springs are a good performance set up to have is it true that you can choose your ride height. and what kind of price am a looking at for my 85 320i????
  8. hey i am rebuilding my 1987 325i engine for my car. i have assembled the block etc. all i need now is the following parts. i am hoping you guys could give me a rough pricing for them and where to get them? 1. ecu motronic v1.1 (the one with 2 rows of pins) i am not sure if the loom has any crank position sensors or anything 2. flywheel. mabey. i might be able to use the one out of my 1985 320i i think depends on the ecu requirements. 3. water pump 4. whole new set of vacume hoses and other hoses etc. 5. thermostat 6. clutch kit 7. throttle body/ air filter pipe and air flow meter 8. spark plugs and leads 9. i think i can use my current dissy and coil not too sure though. 10. timing belt and fan belts etc. 11. oil cooler for engine. any rough pricings , places to get these things or help with what i can use from my old 1985 320i will be greatly apreciated
  9. would it hold the revs up when i take my foot off the gas like it does if it was a fuel issue?
  10. pureboiracer

    E30 Seats

    anyone no wear i can get sum bucky seats for my e30?
  11. i gotta 3.46 out of a 320i manual. 100k rpm is about 2500 $150 +ship its urs '
  12. thinking about twin turboing my 325i was wondering what it involves as aposed to single turbo?
  13. fuel line split on my 320 yesterday right underneath the intake manifold. had to pull out all the throttle body airflow meter etc. put back together and now the car idles at bout 400rpm for a few seconds befor stalling. if i put my foot on the gas and take it off agen the revs stay up for abit. is this a air leak? does anyone have any diagrams of the vacume lines atall??
  14. tapets arnt the easyst thing in the world to do requres a lot of burning your hands and swearing at the car. im sure i could do it with you sumtime for like 40 bux or something.
  15. jack front up look for play in bearings or spin the wheel and listen for bearing grind noises. if not check your tyres are balanced correctley. does it hapen when driving or braking?
  16. check head gasket mate. common to loose coolant through a fried gasket. should be able to pick up in a cylinder leakage test
  17. i have a 3.46 diff in my 1985 320i i dont know if its a small or a med case diff. the diff is skrewd so im getting a new one. does anyone know a good diff to use as i am upgrading engine to a workd 325i i was hopefuly wanting a lsd do you guys know how much for one or if i could get a cheap one and switch over the crown and pinnion from a 3.73 open diff etc? also i was wondering if you guys know if i can change my steering rack so i only turn the wheel about 1.5 turns from lock to lock?
  18. i have: origianal springs mud guards towbar 2 rear speakers air box origianal head unit for sale any offers please pm me
  19. hey how 2 auto window doors? do you have the center panel with the window switches in it 2? does it come with the relay etc for it? and would you sell the regulators seperate to door?
  20. well thats never a good thing a did you check the resistance of your ht leads aswel? should be around 50k ohms for every 30cm
  21. mine does the same check plugs and leads check air fuel mixture. also try and work out if your computer is giving you enough gas at cold idle. where abouts are you located? if your in wellington area pm me and i will try and help.
  22. would the gears just swap straight over? i cant say ive ever pulled a diff apart before. it very hard?
  23. ya dats fair enuf but it sux because i always get caught at like 112 or sumthn real stpd bt it all ads up i gess. thanks for advice guys
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