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Everything posted by McDuck

  1. McDuck

    E30 325i Cabrio

    Well done, congrats on the new car!
  2. Brilliant! haha, already have the whole 'best-of' album on my playlist! That and all of Poison's stuff, it's that good!
  3. McDuck

    euro plates

    Contact LICENSYS (09 259 2660), the company that presses plates in NZ and purchase the 'Eurosurround' for $28, available in either chrome or black. Go with black plastic as the chrome paint comes off with stone chipping. The surround has a perforated backing plate and once screwed or taped down it allows you to slide and lock the plate in place, using a hinged border section. Keep those plates hole free!
  4. McDuck

    HB Emma (Em)

    Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum 19. Geburtstag! Freude am fahren
  5. Welcome aboard! Loving the colour and wheels on that ride of yours!
  6. Woodhaugh! I live just up the road from there in North East Valley We should organise a date and time to get some Bimmers all in one place in Dunedin. What days are you in town for?
  7. Welcome aboard! What about the giant Kiwi town-statue!!! (the one that used to be on the roof of a store in Palmy before they got bored with it). You could park your ride in front of that
  8. Mine's black with an M-Tech II bodykit. I believe I know the one you mean: PFL model that I've often spotted in South D. Was also parked near my one at Long Beach on Easter weekend.
  9. Ha! Was going to post something about this car on here too! Spotted in Dunedin during the Knox College Centenary Weekend - first saw it driving up the college drive on Sunday but it had to reverse because a tree planting ceremony was going on (performed by the oldest ex-Knoxie present). Only saw the red front guard and Alpina wheels before it reversed but that was enough to get my attention! Later saw it parked on Opoho Road by the Arden Street entrance. Knew it had to be an ex-Knoxie because the 1982 yearbook was on the dash Went back later with a windscreen-note to encourage the owner to chat with the current Assistant Master about E30s AND the college (my E30 cabrio was parked at the rear of the college), but sadly the Alpina was no longer there.
  10. Good work! Nice synopsis of the upgrades/mods over the course of ownership. May I ask what programme you were using - ULead Studio or a Windows or Mac based one perhaps?
  11. BMW Museum and the Technisches Museen (absolutely huge and full of planes, trains and automobiles). Obviously, it's obligatory to have a Mass (Stein) and Weisswurst at the Hoffbraeuhaus - tip: have a wander upstairs and view the formal beerhall that's decked out with flags and banners etc, if you get intercepted by a waiter just ask nicely if you can have a quick look. Head to the town square to watch the Glockenspiel in front of the townhall and see the old city architecture. Olympic stadium and tower (great views of the BMW complex, from a different perspective). Enjoy!
  12. The 507 is sex on a stick It certainly got my vote. A red one drove past me in the carpark of 'Meilenwerk' - Berlin - 2007, what a sound... I got to admire it later on in the showroom area as well. This place is a one-stop classic automotive Mecca, comprising showrooms/boutique automotive stores/service outlets. It is housed in an old tram warehouse, a very long building indeed! There was even a restaurant amongst the displayed cars and vehicle storage. Hermetically-sealed, 2-level display storage - behind glass and accessible 24 hours a day... there were three Enzos in there alone! Will put pics up of my visit, one of these days...
  13. As Paul Henry would say: 'Form a group'
  14. Wouldn't there be more E30 convertibles in NZ than the Touring model?
  15. I think it's the convertible sales rush before autumn kicks in (mind you, some of those cabs have been on TM for years! The mint ex-managers car, for example, has been advertised since the beginning of 2007...). They seem to be less prevalent than the sedan and coupe numbers in NZ... Collectable - yes Rare - hmmm (an overhyped word off Trademe, IMO) Hardly saw any E30s parked on German city/town streets in 2007. The only ones I did see were E30 convertibles and tourings. Don't get me wrong, the E30 scene is alive and well in Germany, I only got to read about it in German magazines though... "Gunther and his garishly painted Cabrio, with Airbrush work, ja" I think the majority of all the German-registered sedans and coupes have been shipped to Albania, where they're a bit more relaxed with emission controls / WOFs / registrations / car licenses etc. Apparently, there are more Mercs per capita in Albania than in Germany! All of Germany's TUV-failing crap got shipped there after the fall of the Iron Curtain. They're the new cart replacements for mules to pull around. Once a part needs replacing, they simply plunder from another car, or sell the vehicle for parts.
  16. SOLD! Have just sent you a message, Cheers, Patrick
  17. SOLD! When can I purchase a copy of the calendar?!
  18. "Bulbous whale" springs to mind... check out the open door pic! This kit reminds me of what all those tuning companies were doing in the late 80s and early 90s, especially Koenig Specials of Munich (no longer around, but have two of their promotional videos) - they would customise all types of different European luxury cars to have the Testarossa claw marks down the side, if the client so desired
  19. Welcome, you'll learn soo much from the people on this forum, I'm still learning stuff
  20. McDuck

    bmw mag

    On my last concert mish up to Akl last year, I walked into the first magazine shop on Queen St and found a copy... sorry I can't be more specific (that mag seemed to be available in more places than here in Dunners).
  21. Sweet convertible Ray! The headers look amazing. Love the Schnitzer steering wheel as well...
  22. Very nice cabriolet! Always nice to see fellow convertible owners on the forum, welcome. Perfect area to be driving one of those!
  23. Hi Bravo, Are the mirrors painted in diamantschwarz-metallic(181), are they in good scratch-free condition and still available? Is the bonnet gas strut still in good order? What about the glovebox handle, does it have a working lock? Cheers, Patrick
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