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Everything posted by crazyarab

  1. Haha glad to see you finally got it mate ! Can't wait to battle you on the Ruapuna straight. Believe me, you got a GREAT deal. Try and come to the Chch BBQ meet tomorrow. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....32542&st=45 As for the wheels... Your car + winning this auction =
  2. You won't find another set like this coming up anytime soon... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-332936218.htm
  3. Yeh, I'm out.. stupid money for those if you ask me. Then agian, I'm sure they will look very tidy on whatever they go on.
  4. Yeh but yours were brand new.
  5. ffs.. it's getting into loopy money territory right now.
  6. Not without spacers but I'll be using them to poke them out anyhow so not fussed about that. Sheesh gone up a hundy since I last looked, looks these babies are not going to come cheap!
  7. What's wrong with your 0 offset Advantis?
  8. Sorry man, can't pass on these Place the blame on AJ!
  9. Looks like we going to get into a bidding war HT
  10. crazyarab

    Crazy Japanese

    HAHAHAHAH My god that kid is a friggen legend seriously. Surely that stuff should not be legal though...
  11. crazyarab

    Project M325i

    Maaaaan that guard rolling is awesome. Anyone know of a decent place to get this done in chch!?
  12. Yeh that should be fine, I did this with my old 325. Just make sure to keep them as far away from heat as possible.
  13. I was in your exact shoes. Thankfully I work with a crap load of tech freaks and we have pretty much every phone under the sun in the office to play with Here is a quick overview of what I think: iPhone 4: Brilliant user experience, nicer and easier to get common tasks done. Huge app market with WELL established developers who churn out awesome applicatoins Seriously constrained when it comes to data i.e. can't transfer movies and music, can't use it as a storage device and just all round gayness when it comes to data flexibility + I HAAAATE III TUNES Amdroid (GalaxyS) Amazing hardware, awesome screen (bigger that the others too). Data freedom! Drag and drop avi's and watch on the phone instantly, essentially plug and play storage device. Swype keyboard is Faaaan-friggen-tastic Large developer community Bad iphone os RIP, something I'd expect to come out of China not Google. First impressions you can barely tell the difference, start to actually use it and you quickly pick up on the flawed usability. Mind you, if you have never had an iphone before this is probably a non issue as to be fair it's not bad... it's just that iphone is on a whole different level. Must have a google account and it locks you in with it (can't use phone properly without it) Windows Phone 7 Unique interface that's very nice to use. Same BS lock down as iPhone so you can't use as data storage device, need zune to sync music etc etc. It's early days for this phone, not even out in the states so big ??? looming over how well supported it's going to be from the development community. In the end I decided to go with the Android for one reason only, data freedom. I love being able to just chuck files on the phone and watch/listen to them instantly or take files back and forth from work without having to carry around a usb stick etc. I'd have to recommend the android as it just does everything, even has a kick ass GPS app so you can use the phone just like a tom-tom. It's not pretty and it's harder to use but damn it, it's got it all.
  14. What the sh*t? There was no buy now when I saw it...
  15. I'm pretty sure most of us have "manual + bmw" on our subscribed searches Saw this, shame it's not a 4 door.
  16. Wow, I'm very very very surprised they let that many cars out in one go.. that's just asking for trouble! p.s. love how you just ate everything there
  17. Easy on there bud.. Our search function is not exactly stellar anyhow. Personally I threw up a little when I saw his latest version... having said that I'm a real fan of his work and previous iterations have been nothing short of genius.
  18. Yeh, he has bumped it up even more now.. best of luck to him I guess.
  19. crazyarab

    Andrews E30 Sedan

    Nice, where you steal the kit from you bastard
  20. Ah, I see. The guy I purchased it off got the fabric brand new from BMW and had it professionally re-covered, it cost a fair bit according to him.
  21. I viewed it a while back but never drove it.
  22. what was wrong with the interior? Had brand new hounds tooth front seats and from memory rest was rip free plus some custom suede bits.
  23. I'm willing to place a bet that someone will buy it.. you should see what he has done to it! Stripped it to the metal and re-painted the whole thing... If anyone wants further information I'm more than happy to help. EDIT: f**k I miss that thing.
  24. Genuine or not, it should still fetch a pretty penny. It's a at least a genuine Tech-II and then some! But yeh, false advertising is a big ghey although from the sounds of it I do think he believes it to be true.
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