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Posts posted by petone

  1. M3 front bar is smaller than your 325i front bar but only becuase it uses different mounting points so it has a larger effect. Could be wrong on this stuff but anyway...M3 is 14.5mm in the rear as well, so same size as M-tech, tourings (wagons) and maybe cabs also have bigger rear bars.

    I've got a 325i rear bar and standard bar in the front for my 4 cyl and its pretty nicely balanced.

    You can get whiteline bars from SAS, anyone had any experience with them?

  2. One thing I didn’t like though is them letting a young “tire fitter†take it for a test to make sure it was ok, me driving my car rough is ok someone else no.

    Pretty standard for them to road test cars before and after alignments. Helps them to know what the car is doing, how the steering wheel is etc.

    Now, sorry to hi-jack the thread sort of but same original question but in Chch this time. Had bad experiences with the chain stores, would rather stick to the smaller independent shops. And my car is an a**hole to align so would rather have someone who isnt going to do a halfassed job.

  3. RE what Ollie said, if people txt each other out because the repercussions of failure are easier to handle, then how are you ever going to meet someone new? I think i'd prefer to ask someone out to her face, the on the spot response is far more exciting, emailing or txting someone would only give the impression that you have no confidence and confidence is a huge winner.

    Good point but how do you meet up with them in the first place to ask them out?

    I try to avoid txt conversations: waste of time, too much is lost etc.

    One thing that gets me is when your in a room full of people and everyone is in there own little world txting away.

  4. 3.64 fine for 325i....3.91 is apparently the one to have for stock engines but i can imagine it being a little short...all my 325i's have had 3.64

    agreed, 3.91 is a bit too short for E30 325s. Does make them pretty quick tho, even hacked together POS with motronic + l-jet ECUs.

  5. whilst on this topic of dash lights can someone chuck up a pic or a link to the sheet on how to reset the e30 service lights please.

    how easy is it to check the fuel light bulb?

    For Ollie:


    and the check light in the dashboard means that one of the lights up in the roof is on. Its telling you that a taillight is out, engine oil is low etc. Could be an electrical fault, or something might need a top up.

    Dashboard lights are easy enough to replace, bit tricky figuring out how to get the instrument cluster unless you have a how-to or workshop manual.

  6. mine depends alot on the driving, between 7-8 on open road and as bad as 11 if its just driving round the corner to the supermarket and back.

    Not great economy really given lack of go, but it is getting pretty old now. (260km)

    I got better fuel economy before I put a CAI and exhaust on, dunno what that means regarding performance.

    87 318i BTW

  7. for 7" wide rims you want around 20-25 offset. too high and the wheels will just sit too far in and not look right. go way to high and they will hit the strut or brake caliper. 16" wheels in 4 x 100 with 25 offset are bloody hard to come by, good luck finding a set. you can use spacers but i'm not sure on legal side of things for spacers.

  8. How can you measure how well brakes work with kw? Whether the car is modified or not, shouldn't the standard brakes work the same slowing from the same speed, unless the cars were different weights of course.

    yes, but will you be going the same speed with a modified engine?

  9. Your theory makes sense, maybe your rear sunroof drains are rusted and water is getting in through them?

    Are all your drains flowing properly? pour water down rear sunroof holes, front, sunroof holes, and down the vents under the windscreen (should come out under car and out through firewall by clutch master cylinder..

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