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Everything posted by Carl

  1. I want, gimme gimme gimme!!!
  2. Nice to have you with us, I see you have an MTechII rear spoiler... If I wasn't going up to Tim's (bumpstop) 21st this w/e i'd organise a meet You should join the motorcade to palmy this w/e
  3. The number plate sums it up bro :mosh:
  4. Carl

    your local Mods ride

    nicely done - thank god you don't do the whole write the stats on the car gay thing, but then it probably wouldn't fit
  5. I read it. You'd think bush would've grown perhaps even the tiniest, slightest amount of brain cells by now and realise he's bankrupting his country and destroyed what credibility it had.And that's one badass truck that I would never want to see on our roads.
  6. Yeah, i'm still dyslexic from last night
  7. Red hair??? Hell no, I ain't a ginger!
  8. Yes he had the hat, I tried to buy it off him cause it would've gone with my pimp jacket which I was wearing at the time. Given his reluctance to relinquish I formed the opinion that the dude must have a bloody great shiny noggin underneath. Go the bling bling baby :pimp:
  9. :finger: :finger: :finger: Hung overs aren't for pussies, they're for people with real lives an dfor your info I was on the piss with Samuel Dover and Jon Tamahere last night, they can certainly drink with the best of them
  10. In fact, this -> :bounce: is giving me a headache just watching it and soon will make me do this -> :puke:
  11. I'm one guy who has issues today Issues with the computer screen being too bright even at full low brightness and contrast, blinds not fully closing, workmates with annoyingly happy humming and whistling, and emails that never end. Worst of all i've got lunch date that I know is going to be too intelligable for my current level of brain effeciency. I'm the exact opposite of this -> :bounce:
  12. I've had enough booze for the both of us so don't worry about drowning yourself cause it's not worth having to work all day feeling like someones lynched you and attached you like a guilty negro to a trusty steed and galloped around the dusty streets for a few hours before stringing you up to a piss infested trough which you need to drink from but can't pull yourself together to do so so you just sit there staring blank and confused :puke:
  13. Carl

    Anyone into RPG

    hahaha, cheater!!!
  14. Carl


    Look at all of us scavenging for parts
  15. I'd start a collection for you if this wasn't the internet. I'd really like to blow away a few of those crims, get a lynch mob with a few clowbars and machettes, I hate thieving lowlives. I mean this in NZ it ain't a penal colony like austrailia
  16. Carl

    Anyone into RPG

    Here's a cool online site to waste a an hour or 3 on each day Dark Throne
  17. Dude that is sad, didn't you have an alarm??? Know how it feels, my 2nd car got done while at the cricket in Napier, took me head an amp. It's not so much the monetary value that gutted me but the fact that people do it and you're just another helpless victim. Give me a gun and i'll gladly shoot their knee caps off the f**kers and maybe blow a hole through their reproductive organs
  18. Carl

    20 questions

    Got the f*ker, it was stumped on pocket, hahaha
  19. Carl

    20 questions

    Damn thing got my stick insect right on question 20
  20. Mind my igornance, but what's the gains like going from stock to K&N filter and how much for one? where from? etc...
  21. after a little light reading I discovered that it was taped, but you got me, good one sport
  22. :thumbsdown: Sorry, that black paint job is foul, heinous, hideous! If I was given one (since I wouldn't shell out a dime for it) i'd paint the whole car one colour!!!
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