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Everything posted by Carl

  1. the big ONE NINE hahaha Catchya tomorrow big guy :beer: And for those that didn't catch it....
  2. Carl

    Step right up

    Yip, that's the bigger smasher version alright, first hit, 480+
  3. Hey Brandon, welcome to the site. I tell you, living at the top of a mountain in wellington certainly makes a HUGE as difference to the petrol, esp. when you got and auto EDITED: Jesus Grant, why would you want to live so close to work??? Do you own it or something...
  4. You've really got to be f**ked in the head to want to start smoking, it's like a test of willpower, you either have it or you don't - it's crazy the amount of people who say they can quit whenever they want...ah, yeah right, show me some willpower why don't you :banghead:
  5. I bought mine from the states and man do they be pimp'n Pulls the hunys in town, it's like they wanna be dirty arse slapper hoes in need of mistreatment and mastering :pimp:
  6. Carl

    Step right up

    Yeah, it's rather amusing...admittedly i've yet to get over 324, i wreckon 325 is probably the max - good number for it
  7. Carl

    Step right up

    So, I did 397.2 + 1, so there <- 318 Saweet
  8. Carl

    Today's Herald

    Hey Sam, just completely off track, was it you who said something about wanting all the Gauge you can get???
  9. Carl

    Step right up

    Well spank me, it must have been posted a long time ago... still, it's pretty funny <- haha sweet, i'm into the 316, 318, 320 territory
  10. Carl

    Step right up

    Gotta be one of the funniest shockwave games i've seen so far Hit the penguin 322 to beat
  11. Carl

    Today's Herald

    Someone scan the picture!!! And what do you mean will she grow up to do porn, 17 is old enough to do porn! :pimp:
  12. I could run through a list of stuff that marketing genius knew we had to have It was the bubble gum stickers that cards I remember the most Yeah, garbage pale kids, star wars cards that we used to play flicksies against the wall with, knight rider stickers, gi joes, crazy balls...then came atari 2600 and nintendo followed by commodore 64's and sega and amiga 500's...it all went down hill after that
  13. Oh, and you don't need certificates for modification changes, only a valid warrant of fitness - unless of course the modification actually requires a cert like lowering below the legal limit
  14. Right, i've rung State since they're my company, they consider modifications anything outside of factory specification. So an automatic to manual transmission change is only a modification if any of the replaced components aren't factory standard. Also, my excess when up a couple of hundy because of the suspension change But as far as I or anyone should be concerned, you're far better off having an excess increase than having an invalid insurance policy
  15. Yeah I know, was all wine'd up and after reminescing the juicy fruit thing everything else from that year just come back to me - but I tell you what young squirt, you had it so much easy than I did back in the day
  16. Carl

    station wagon

    Don't start me bitching, i've already had a bitch session in the petrol thread Just shake hands and admit you're both wrong hahhahaa
  17. And sic, I can afford it - i'd just rather not have to pay for it - In fact, i'd rather pay $2 a litre than lose my freedom and have to take a bus crowded with the oi-poloy Eidted: And sic, I remember the juicy fruit thing, god that nearly killed me - along with the popsicles going up from 15c and when the 1c lollies became 2 for 5c and when you could get a pie and dounut for 99c back when you could actually order a pie and dounut in the mornings at school
  18. Ayeeee, there be some good economical pugs out there, not too shabby - there be some damn quick diesels out there now. Anyways, this whole petrol thread was supposed to be a rant about bureaucracy and the complacency of people who probably didn't even notice that the prices are going up without warning or explaination these days. I quite like having cheap petrol in NZ, but if no one gives a sh*t about it then fairly soon it'll hit $1.50 p/L, i'd just rather it later than sooner
  19. Bimmers as far as the poor eye can see
  20. You dumb arses are missing the point Complacency has led to much worse
  21. yeah, my consumption tends to correlate to heavy footedness65 L tank used to be $70 to fill up (given it never got below 10L), been a while since i've pressed the Fill button...
  22. F**k it, did anyone else notice petrol prices jumped again overnight? I'm now paying $1.23 p/litre at the pump Not as bad as when it hit $1.29 but it'll get there again real soon I wreckon. God damn Bush administration and his crusades, ruining it for everyone
  23. Haha, yeah, we're all waiting on YOU Glenn
  24. Carl

    SI road trip

    Bumpity bump If i'm not working in a new contract then the tentative date for the SI trip will be September 12th - 19th
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