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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Carl

    Pod filter on 318

    Just go for aK&N flat panel filter, save yourself the time and trouble for what will be a guaranteed small improvement. There's every change that the pod filter won't improve your performance at all.
  2. Carl

    Political cartoon

    Oh that is rich coming from someone who can't even vote yet Brash should stick to financial port-folios and let someone with charisma lead the party, IMHO, his lack of charisma mirrors Helen which doesn't help, get someone like Bill Clinton to lead a party where the real politicians do the work in the background, that's proper politics Interesting who pipes up when threads get political, but at least the title states it!
  3. Electric cars are way more efficient but people tend to say that the process of getting the electric energy into the car reduces the efficiency of them. WTF, like the process of getting oil out of the ground, shipped to shi country, refined in a factory, transported to a fuel station, pumped into a tank then pumped into your engine doesn't actually make the efficiency of a petrol something closer to 5%I'd prefer hydrogen combustion engines though, what fun is an electric car compared with combustion noise!!! Brooom brrooooommmm
  4. Yep I bought it within TEN MINUTES of him listing it.He has the M3 bodykit, the car was a wrecked M3 replica. But he wants over a grand for it you can buy mine on TM for $450!! http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...on-23277425.htm APOLOGIES TO CARL - I saw how much the other kit that we imported at the same time was sold for, and TOO much hassle for me to make you some damn eyelids i have too much else to do. Huh? Thanks for the heads up bro, what a waste of effort You're kit is not in a good condition like your friends that went on trademe, yours does need work. My offer was very reasonable and you could've had money in the bank last week, nice one Some people here aren't just about talk you know
  5. Carl

    Political cartoon

    The current government may not be appealing to you for certain reasons, however, were you to be a mindless union worker you'd be thinking differently. It's all about no. 1 with voters.I would be personally much better of if National were in control, the tax cuts they flout alone would benefit me alot since i'm in the top braket, however, you CAN'T trust a politician and their election promises. Please note that I haven't said who gets my vote, i'm just pointing out a few things. As for the government helping other nations and not Manuwatu, GET REAL. and think again, the government paid out an aweful alot of money to the flooded areas but beauracracy (sp) means that farmers and the like don't see it in their hands like a dole payout. Regardless of what government was in power there'd be no difference at all about their priority, remember, Labour seems to be the hand out government. As for helping other countries, just think, if we never helped out other countries who's going to help us out when something goes horribly wrong?
  6. Bravo is right, fuel cells produce electricity by chemical reaction which then power an electric motor, no combustion is involved. The BMW engine is a combustion engine that burns hydrogen instead of petrol, pure hydrogen is stored on board (think of it like CNG say) no fuel cells are involved. BMW uses hydrogen in an internal combustion engineSo my first post was correct in that their must be some type of air fuel mixture device, thank you Bravo, I just got the fuel cell and fuel mixed up.
  7. COME ON!!! While i'm not sure about how the air fuel mix is created the fact is you still need an air fuel mixture and you still need combustion to turn H and O2 into H2O, the chemical reaction won't work by itself, and it's the combustion (internal) that drives pistons which creates your POWER. (edit) Edit: mixed up f**ked up. BMW does use a hydrogen internal combustion engine!
  8. Carl

    Political cartoon

    The problem with current NZ politics is that there is no choice, it's either going to be a National or Labour led government and they're both no good. Labour is the best party but has socialist policies National has capitalist policies but has no leadership (read: if they get into power they'll crumble from in-house fighting and power struggles) If you don't want to vote for a politician because you think she a cock sucker then you're a f**kwit who should go waste a vote on the Christian Party. A good cock sucking politician is better than a mindless starfish twat hands down. If brash played the Monty Burns card he'll win hands down, evil politicians are far more employable, beats fake ones who try playing every trick and failing.
  9. Carl

    Political cartoon

    Hehe, every time I look at Don now I see Monty, hehehe, fly my pretties fly!
  10. They run on fuel cells, cannisters of hydrogen which acts just like fuel in that you still need a carburettor or EFI type thingee to get the right mix of air and hydrogen, but the beauty of it is the only by-product is water, no dangerous acids meaning the engine oil won't need replacing as much and the exhaust won't rust any where near as quick.I quite like the prospect of running on fuel cells purely for it's green running and because it sounds so sci fi.
  11. Carl


    Keep in mind that the length and diameter of pipes can increase or decrease performance and resonance quite drastically (fluid dynamics and sound resonance)Since mufflers and resonators have alot of affect on exhaust noise and since Tim's previous muffler was shot let's all hope that this new one has taken away that tinny, shoddy sound that was there and has replaced it with what i'm suspecting is a completely badassness tone :pimp:
  12. Carl


    AgreedPre-facelift cars suffer from very ugly rear-ends, ie, you can see the spare tyre well!!! A rear valance/apron will fix this prob, is so much better when all you can see are two pee shooters extruding from the darkness that is the evlbma :pimp:
  13. Carl

    Interior Fan

    I had that same problem, fan only worked in position 4, got an auto electrician to fix it under the car warranty so was for free. My understanding was he just replaced the rheostat switch but he may have replaced the resistors aswell. Kinda on topic but does anyone else get the feeling the fan is on when travelling at speed, ie, when doing 100kph with the fan turned off it still feels as though the fan is on setting 2 by the amount of air still flowing through it...
  14. Carl


    Badass doesn't do it justice enough!!! They look nicely tucked up under there tim, your mechanic must have had a anneurism when he did that as he's probably going to lose some business now that they're mounted higher! You coming down this weekend?
  15. Carl

    Political cartoon

    Hehe, I like this one...
  16. Sorry no, superchargers are better for bimmers, superchargers are pure class :pimp:
  17. Carl

    Fuel Economy

    Buy a modern diesel if you want fuel economy, damn diesels are the most effiecient fuel burners and diesel technology is fast becoming serious enough to switch alot of roads user to. What about that Audi on TG last night, close to 40mpg simply because he drove fruglely (sp?) but it does raise a point My belief is that in the future when oil becomes too costly I doubt we'll all be driving around in "fuel cell" cars, the cost of hydrogen manufacture will make it too expensive. The poorer sods will either be driving in bio-diesel cars (like the marine stuff and the stuff the akld test buses use) or if my fingers are crossed enough, higher ethanol based fuel since NZ (fonterra) exports 15 million litres of ethanol by-product a year to russia. NZ would do well to become a major ethanol producer due to our quality ethanol productions...I wonder though that if someone produced a road car that ran effeciently on pure ethanol would the oil congloborates (sp) interfere...
  18. Carl

    E30 323i Parts

    Whoever wanted the doors they were taken off last night, both in good condition and both available, both have manual window mechanisms Items of possible interest: Full set of bottlecaps Sunroof Towbar Indicator and wiper switches Windows ...
  19. Now that is the shizz, I like the diff between normal and supercharger engaged mode :pimp:
  20. Carl

    Fuel Economy

    You only have to ask Martyn about whether the 7 and it's V12 is a sports car or not!!! It may not handle like one but sure as hell can go faster than what most of us drive, plus, when the whale gets the momentum up it's a hell of a lot more stable than any other bimmer - i've seen it first hand on the A7 between Hamburg and Bremen - and the best thing is they feel like they are just cruising :pimp:
  21. Alright, so here's the photo, you can pass your own judgements
  22. Carl

    boot spoiler

    Jump in the queue
  23. Werd, i'm definately putting a ///M badge on my car now
  24. True - I wonder then what happens when I use the car for intermarque Shhh, don't tell my insurance company, my premium's $500 as it is
  25. Carl

    Fuel Economy

    Convert to manual
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