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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Carl

    Ferrari ???

    I like the idea of everyone getting together to collectively build a super car as there is no one single car manufacturer that is the best at building cars. In your opinions, however, who is the best sports car manufacturer? Ferrari, Lambo, Porsche, BMW, Audi, Jag, Aston Martin...etc etc??? Personally I think Porsche has to be at the top. They may have conservative styling but they have excellent build quality and bloody awesome engines plus the GT3 was bloody fast around the top gear track and didn't porsche win the top gear super car chalenge - taking into account the NOS equipped jag was cheating
  2. Nah, that rocks, definate babe puller that one
  3. Carl

    Parts for sale

    Coming down this weekend Grant? Going to Manfeild by any chance?
  4. Sorry Hamiltonjapan, but I must point out a few flaws in your argument. Europe, USA, England, SA, and Aussie all use diesel trains. As for fat and/or ugly ppl, I suggest you go live in America for a while, you'll see first hand that NZ pales in comparison. I would also suggest that the fashion faux pas commited by old people with viens is a world-wide thing, not just NZ. As for eating lamb, well, if you think killing dumb animals is bad then what about killing whales??? Isn't Japan one of the most blatant abusers of animal rights, what about the whole growing kittens in jars as a hobby??? I hardly ever find myself being subjected to something as menacing as cigarette smoke. I'm all for the indoor smoking ban, it doesn't stop smokers from smoking as they can always go outside and do it, alot of cafes and bar have balconies or outdoor areas. As for the car smoking, that along with cellphones should be banned as they really are a danger to drivers in terms of distractions. But I guess if you really don't like these things you can go live in a country where women aren't fully respected and aren't treated as equals, now that would be far worse than smoking if you're a female.
  5. Haha, I tell you what, for 2.8M it can have what ever face you like on it virginal or not
  6. I'll give you packet of crisps and a cheese toastie for it
  7. If you don't buy it I will as i've been looking at getting a second car for my wife to run around in
  8. Carl

    New Calipers

    Stop being such a post whore man Glenn, I believe Ian and I are going to pay you a visit tomorrow night (Friday) in an attempt to make you get these brakes done, if you want i'll take some pics of the project for the benefit of everyone else.
  9. Doesn't help if you have an alarm but only one alarm setter thingee, I have the spare key but what use is that if the car is going to go beep beep imobilise on your bad ass
  10. Carl

    Nissan Laurel

    Hey man, how's your conversion running, got any pics of your beast now???As for the behemoth drifting taxi, i'd like to see that up next to Glenn's TT, that'd be really neat :mosh:
  11. What did you think was wrong with the engine before you got it looked at? I'd suggest getting a second opinion on the engine from somewhere else, mechanics are downright dirty liars that'll screw you over first chance they get Rings usually aren't a problem with bimmers, have you put your engine through hell and back??? But yeah, you'd be much better off doing an engine swap which is quite easy if you can find a matching replacement, and considerably cheaper
  12. Carl

    New Calipers

    What did you get those off, a Ferrari??? Brembos
  13. Oddly, I just saw a 540 touing on the way home from work tonight, not as rare as you'd think aye
  14. I wonder what it'd be like trying to race a Firetruck around Manfeild... You guys played Grand Theft Auto on the PX2, I like stealing the firetrucks and playing the little game within the game :mosh: BTW: Did you know that the cops in station wagons are generally sergeants (not the dog handler wagons) as they carry all the extra gear? Well today during morning traffic I saw a cop wagon throw on his lights, execute a U-turn, then turn off his lights and join the queue...talk about abusing their power
  15. Hmmm, normal tape will melt if severely stressed but i've seen racing tape withstand a fair amount of pressure on an actual radiator hose so it will be ace on an overflow pipe, be sure to get the pipe fixed at some point though
  16. I'm looking for a 3.45 or 3.64 diff as my current 3.25 is just slightly too long Anoyone got one floating around in good nick? I don't care if it's LSD or not
  17. Nah, you're sweet to drive around with your overflow pipe not working, you're only going to lose your overflow which will only happen if you get your car all hot and sweaty. Do a temp fix, duct tape or racing tape the broken pipe back to the radiator overflow outlet, you'll be sweet :thumb:
  18. 318is is right, if you get a 318 get the 318is as they have a much better power to weight ratio and have nicer bits Otherwise don't settle for anything that doesn't have a inline 6 in it
  19. Quiet in the cheap seats, looks bloody perfect from here, perhaps when you have one you can criticise?
  20. Carl

    Ultimate Ownage

    Looks like Ireland
  21. Follows the point in case about needing factual evidence... Personally I like the look of two door cars more than 4 doors irrespective of the FACT that the 2 door cars are lighter and have a lower centre of gravity. Also, having the larger two doors allows easier access espicially if you have a roll cage. May last two cars were coupes purely for those factors. If I had a family, if, then I would surely go for a four door for practicaliy...but then i'd still keep my coupe for me
  22. That's not the hat I gave him is it? I've got another one to give away tomorrow
  23. Your car is sex, i'd give away my g/f to have that *types quietly as she sleeps* BTW, I like the M3 comparison, 15-20? age gap
  24. Have you got and Internet site? If you don't, get one, business experience dictates that you need to have a website and it needs to look professional, smart, and be easy to use. Some half pie website is going to turn customers away. Once you get a good website going then links will spread and you'll get your bidniss. Got any pics of your goods?
  25. Too true Gus, everyone should know that the Internet (noting the capital i to desigante which internet we're talking about here) is full of alot of brown goo. I'm sooner going to believe the actual BMW owners manual (NZ) when it says the 2dr coupe is lighter than the 4 door, you'd have to be f**ked in the head to believe otherwise, how much more valid data do you need??? The 2 door coupe's are much better cars than their 4 door counterparts *waits for abuse from 4dr owners*[/size=1]
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