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Everything posted by 323e30

  1. Was the car converted from auto to manual at any stage? If the damage looks old it could be because it was rubbing after an auto to manual conversion, I machined down my flywheel 3mm when i converted mine as it was hitting in the same spot by just a fraction.
  2. 323e30

    1991 750i

    same as 735i 1991?
  3. prefacelift, full set including postage 40$ (all four lights and frames) Pm me if your interested.
  4. that re covered dash looks pretty mint aswel
  5. 323e30

    Door Stuck shut

    ok sweet that makes things easier try loosining the two screws that hold the central locking motor in place
  6. 323e30

    Door Stuck shut

    the one you press down to lock door, im guessing your door cards still on?
  7. 323e30

    Door Stuck shut

    Ive had it happen in the past, generally when the batterys been disconnected and the driver door has been locked when this has been done. using key will seem like its stiff and wont open but sometimes if you use the inner door handle and turn the key at same time it will open. or... maby i just drink too much haha.
  8. Haha trust you to knock it down by 15% No Comment
  9. very tempted to supercharge it. rear will also be set lower soon (self leveling) just need to get the interior in first so i dont set it too low.
  10. 323e30

    Door Stuck shut

    sounds like u need to re adjust your central locking solenoid, try winding down window, use key on outside and open with the inside handle at same time.
  11. 323e30

    M20 ITB'S

    power wise, wouldnt it be cheaper and better to do a 2.7 or an m50?
  12. 323e30

    1 $$$ reserves..

    update, e30 alloys 1$ reserve
  13. axles are a b..... need about 15-20 tonnes of pressure to get them out sometimes. I have a 10 tonne press and its only ever worked once for these.
  14. just the way an e30 should be
  15. 323e30

    bleeding slave

    do you have a bolt to stop the master cylinder from bottoming out? if you dont it could cause your seals to tear.
  16. Cheers, Dont think ill do too much more maby just an lsd and some headers. Its going to be used as a daily once its back on the rd. last thing left for now is the interior
  17. 323e30

    Time wasters?

    get it daily, part of the job. people asking for same parts on a weekly basis but never showing up even up to a year later. My paint job cost me a manual conversion 0$ trade full respray inside and out and all fell together within a few days so I hope this isnt what has set you off. If this hadnt happened def would have brought the car down on a trailor to you also, Your price was the cheapest cash quote I have heard of by far.
  18. 323e30

    1 $$$ reserves..

    If your in no rush I can sus one cheap for you. just not sure what days ill be at the yard. Pm me
  19. 323e30

    1 $$$ reserves..

    Just a few 1$ reserve auctions, brand new badges. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...705&ed=true E30 Glove box latch http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=265631182 Under steering panel for E30 Another 1$ reserve Alpina badge http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...617&ed=true all 1$ reserves set of 4 alloy rims for e30 http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...407&ed=true
  20. Cheers, sure am, also still looking for some black roof handles if they exist from an e36 or e34 or similar.
  21. the motor runs purely as a motor, no fan , Ps , Ac or water pump just the alternator its really tedious to be honest, especially considering i havent fitted my headers yet every bit counts tho. on another note finally got the wagon fully resprayed, fresh out of the shop today. 2k black with a tiny bit of blue pearl.
  22. have cheap ones in wrong colors if you have no luck. no dents or rust
  23. Car in image is now being sold as parts. if you need any bits ask selling the brand new e28 mounts for 40$ the pair, booster for 65$ m50b25 non vanos with loom and ecu and airflow 1000$
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