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Everything posted by BM WORLD

  1. yea was a bit of a fluke . brought a fog light from a trdae me member and when i collected it his mate was there with this 528i and was asking about headlights and bumpers for it . got talking about it etc and said would probably sell it . make an offer . so i did no i own it its a ESS brand , but i think its the early kit , has no oil feed to it and has a rubber belt inside for the gear up . runs about 4psi i think so not massive power , and it build up like a turbo . about as quick as a 540i but not as torqey , but i think a bit more boost and a proper remap on a dyno should yeild good results in a 200kg lighter 328i 5spd coupe. the newer ess kits for these run at 7psi and have a intercooler set up . they get the 328i 528i upto about 300hp with 380Nm . bigger injectors , chip for the ecu etc . so we will see what we can do .
  2. ok thanks na the e38 was just std 5spd auto . not tiptronic . i wonder if the electrics can be swapped around maybe the valve bodies etc . oh well anyone want a 94 nz new 540i with a dude trans . still can be driven onto a trailer etc . tidy inside , paint a bit faded etc . no plates , reg lapsed
  3. got a pic of the serial plate etc . also chasis numbers of the cars. 1st pic is from the 94 e34 540i 2nd from the 95 e38 740i also pictures showing difference in the oil cooler outlets etc
  4. yes hooks up to big noisy air pump on the e34 m5 that mounts above the ac comprssor make a lot of noise when they start from cold . yes its to get around emmision rubbish laws
  5. another UK import . yes not as nice as lances . is lances a 325 tds??? (more power/torque with a intercooler etc)
  6. yes its mine and no i am not stripping it . well just a couple of parts from it
  7. sorry my camera takes 16:9 wide photo's . and i thought you guys like to see details not postage stamp photo's goes alright , will be better when its fitted to my e36 328i coupe yes you read my mind . look forward to the results . anyone want to buy a nice tidy 528i N/A cheers
  8. ok will check later ,. had a look at the parts lists online to compare most parts seem to be the same part numbers etc excpet for the oil line outputs and plates around them etc . thanks brent
  9. picked up a 94 540i m60 4L v8 car . has a problem with the auto( of corse) its locked up . can push the car forward but not backwards . no drive . last owner said it was going into limp mode now and then then finally locked up when pulling into his driveway. been sitting for over a year now . i have a spare trans here from a 95 e38 740i m60 4L . will this work in it . the only difference i can see is that the e38 runs cooler lines up to the front into a trans cooler . where as the e34 uses a heatexchanger system under the trans . so can the heat exchanger system be fitted to the e38 trans and will it all work with the electrics etc in the e34 . both cars have the same auto and sport mode button . any help would be appreciated
  10. just an update ,cleaned the engine bay the other day and swapped out the faded old headlight covers for new ones today nice easy job , updates the car a little .
  11. sorry not trying to hijack the thread , but if anyone wants these . a mate of mine has a rear seat in grey leather with the fold down arm rest. that might go well with these
  12. yea around $5-6k thats what my 92 325i 5spd coupe sold for
  13. http://www.dension.com/compatibility.php
  14. http://www.dension.com/products.php?pageID=31
  15. yea trade me is getting a bit like abay in the states etc . they charge heaps in fees
  16. BM WORLD

    Locked out

    you have to do it on the left front do . turn key fully 90deg while pulling up on the handle , takes a bit of wiggling around to do . or open the boot , get a battery and connect it to the boot interior light (brown is earth/negative) so you then can activate the central locking . or crawl under neth and hook up a jumper cable to the positive terminal on the starter motor
  17. ian ,might have some ok ones , if you want to remove etc. cheers brent
  18. top gear review and a lap full epsipod http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Top-Gea...sode_680700.htm
  19. big heavy wheels make for bad economy
  20. i have one. yes very rare
  21. thats right just email or ring him
  22. yes cruise cable been pulled away will do the same .
  23. they have pulled the cable plug thingy out of the cable holder gromet.
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