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Everything posted by e30plz

  1. Too much. I could be rolling in a M325i by now. *tear*
  2. e30plz


    His current wheels are way hawt'er.
  3. e30plz


    Nothing worse than that.. lol +1
  4. Yep, Half white half blue, Have it on my bedroom wall
  5. e30plz

    e30 325i 1988

    You're gonna have a busy week, Good luck.
  6. I'm on Telecom/Xtra.. Whatever you call it. It's alright now i'm on 10GB a month, Don't run out of bandwidth. Still loses connection every now and then which is annoying.
  7. Isn't that a 2002?Whyyyyyy
  8. Sweet Manual. You're flatmate drives a Bimmer aswell?
  9. Welcome to BS. Nice E34, Manual?
  10. e30plz


    That's hawt.. Don't get rid of them, You just need a good non-rangi solution..
  11. ^ Perfect ^ Kidneys have already been blacked out for you too
  12. e30plz


    Agree with everything thats been said.. Really pisses me off, Who the.. would beat up an 85 y.o. for a Laptop.. WTF~! Man Bear Pigs, That will teach them not to f**k with peoples property..
  13. It just emptied its radiator juices all over my garage floor again..Argh.. Prob cause of the severe raping it just got though, Got a new skid pad
  14. But then would I/we still be able to use the 320i gearbox and all the 320i stuff?
  15. Aaaahh riiiight. Nice first E30 for the kids. Once you go E30 you never go back, Right?
  16. Would be good for shits and giggles, If it could fit through a drive thru haha.
  17. That is some real funny sh*t.
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