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Everything posted by pjay

  1. Man card = Right to being a man Eg: Man 1: "I totally enjoyed Twilight, I want to buy it on DVDVD" Man 2: "Mate, hand in the man card" http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=man+card
  2. pjay

    WOF's & tyres

    Lucky I have spare rims with tyres in my basement then ay. I'm running 205's on an 8, which would be a fail. STINK
  3. After seeing that, I don't think they will suit mine without 25mm spacers. Look good on yours though Glenn! Ah well, maybe my end of year bonus will go to http://wokke.de ....Hmmmm
  4. Highway Patrol in Auckland are aware of them more from the Font.
  5. Hey Jonno, I'm assuming they're all 8" Wide? No wider?
  6. Its a bit yellow for my liking, but I am debating with my bank balance as to whether I should get a white set or not. Would be piss easy to repaint too.
  7. I love the white ones to be honest. How much dish is there? They look decent as.
  8. pjay

    The bastard child.

    What are you doing BMW? You are not a Ford. You are not even made in Australia. Stop pretending to be a Ford. I like it, and by like I mean I want it's babies.
  9. Welcome, Still as nice as when I last saw it, although you were utterly convinced it was a M5. Enjoy your time on Bimmer, plenty knowledge here.
  10. Fair call, I can appreciate a lot of us would feel differently about this. Which is why: There is no Black and white.
  11. M-Spec, we don't know the details around every one of those cases do we? I would hope that there is a lower conviction rate against Police Officers because as they enforce the law, so I would hope they know each and every loophole possible. Whether they use that to their advantage or not is up to them. I don't see how this case is the same as any of 16 other officers cases we know nothing about.
  12. @cliffdunedin, I never stated he has a right to a grey area. I don't think we know enough about the case to really 100% judge, thats the Judges job isn't it. All we know is what the Herald has printed. If he is a Senior officer, he is of more use in the police force than out of the police force. He hasn't got of scot free has he? Same as everyone else, he loses his license and pays $$$. The worst thing imo about DIC is losing your license, not so much the mark against your name. I just firmly believe we do not know enough to simply say RIGHT, black and white. Case closed. Feed him to the sharks.
  13. I don't believe that everything in life is black and white, or 2 sides to the fence as such. You CAN sit on the fence, and there CAN be a grey area. Which I think there is in this case.
  14. Charge would mean instant dismissal, cant be a cop with a DIC charge. I'm leaning towards the judge here.
  15. pjay

    New scam! beware>

    Last time I read that, I fell off my dinosaur from laughing.
  16. pjay

    $10 Grand E30 Engine

    +1 Other options would be 20b n/a or 18a. Would also LOVE to see a F20C as stated earlier.
  17. And then I read this: http://www.evo.co.uk/carreviews/evocarrevi...ion_review.html M3 competition?? Whut.
  18. pjay


    You've probably seen it but this is how Westies do it:
  19. pjay

    Name this Nardi

    W/ BMW badge:
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