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Everything posted by pjay

  1. pjay

    Valentines day

    Awesome. I wish I could grow facial hair! I'll at least cut a rose from mums garden. Minimum effort for maximum rewards
  2. pjay

    Valentines day

    Even better: http://www.facebook.com/pages/COOK-ME-SOME...32445089?ref=mf
  3. Thats ridiculous. I can imagine that someone was saying "the crowds loving it, let em continue"
  4. pjay

    Valentines day

    The dishes. Nah, not sure yet. The Kaipara Car Show is on the same weekend. Priorities!
  5. pjay

    Big cojones?

    Jamaica has a bob sled team
  6. Rust the switch panel to match a rusty bonnet Nah, it looks real tidy! Well done.
  7. Nzicemag Bimmersport Toyspeed Bassdrop <<-- only the funny's thread Explosm Sinfest Questionable Content Warehouse Webcomic XKCD Buttersafe VG Cats Comixed Tofu's pad Jalopnik Stanceworks HellaFlush Speedhunters Slamburglars Thunderdrift 1day Trademe xxxmsncam coomclips
  8. Little Big Planet. Best game EVER
  9. Agree with most comments above. Common for youth to steal from parties, but to break in and steal from a friend or family is just pure disrespectful rat sh*t.
  10. Winwinwinwinwinwinwinwin, now get the guards flush with the stripe!!!!
  11. pjay

    Awww sh*t yeah!

    Lol, hes back to rocking the chevy rims at the moment. The above pics are all old. These rims. Sawblades:
  12. Spotted Nick last night, thanks for the ride mate!
  13. Hooked up myself and 2 mates with 2 phones each. I'm getting gone for cheap
  14. BMW safety touring coming our of Westgate
  15. pjay

    1996 m3 Evolution..

    Far out. M3 at your age in Aus? Phuck that with insurance and the laws and everything. Minter of a vehicle though
  16. pjay


    Going on Thurs in Auck. Welly plan fell thru
  17. http://maydaygarage.com/?p=696
  18. 16x9 yes! omg yes. YES YES
  19. Only rubbish car I have ever driven is the Family Famila, wait.. Familia - clair 1.3 litres of 3 cylinder nothingness with a 3 speed. YES - THREE speed automatic. Tyres thinner than nikky hiltons legs and shocks so soft every corner was pure terror. Handbrake works good though. Is now my sisters runaround and will be the younger sisters after that. Can't sell it though. It's chocka full of sentiment now.
  20. We've been waiting for your new rims for long enough. Just do something! Lol
  21. pjay

    Julian Smith

  22. Was supposed to enter soundoff but I've been working 12 hour days and cars nowhere near up to it. No tuning done since Taupo sound off
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