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1rotty last won the day on November 24 2014

1rotty had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

40 Excellent


About 1rotty

  • Rank
    5th Gear

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  • Name
    Mark V
  • Location
  • Car
    97 540i 6spd
  • Mods List
  • Car 2
    90 e30 328i ACSchnitzer
  • Car 3
    96 e36 m3

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  • Interests
    Pissing Jappas off at the lights.
    Tui,Jim Beam & Jack Daniels-preferably in large amounts

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  1. 1rotty

    Schnitzer 328

    Hey Blair...just got it out for some gentle exercise before it goes into storage.
  2. I normally avoid bagging anyone's car....but dude,that's just sh*t
  3. I'm moving overseas later in the year so some of my toys need new homes. I'm open to negotiation https://trademe.co.nz/771588209 BMW M3 M3 COUPE 1996
  4. In that case best you buy my m3 dude https://trademe.co.nz/771588209 BMW M3 M3 COUPE 1996
  5. Haha You reap what you sow......so they say You just got owned egg By the real people on this little forum
  6. I have a complete set of black...I need rid of them Cheap!! 0272542604...mark Flick me a txt
  7. It's apparently not obvious to you Mr Toblerone & really that's no surprise to the rest of us following this thread ,but ownership does not an expert make. And every time you have posted on this thread you have served to reinforce this!!
  8. dude get a grip the only classic e34 is the m5 the rest are just old tanks
  9. Undoubtedly a very special mint example.....but it's not highly optioned.......it's not rare ....& it's def not worth $14k And btw Mr toblerone I would suspect Jared has owned,driven,learnt more about BMWs than you've had farts......uneducated? I think not!
  10. Sorry Jules but no e36 m3 will ever be a classicSimply...neither the looks or performance or production numbers meet any serious criteria for a classic
  11. My brother has an 06 z4....yes it hard at low speeds but handles brilliantly at speed ,goes like a cut cat & sounds awesome under load. And zero issues in 4 years
  12. Nice work on the is rob......sweet car
  13. Hi Julian..presumably this would still require the ecu be sent to the states?
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