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Everything posted by bravo

  1. bravo

    The Hate Thread

    I hate how every few months people have a big moan session here about how bad it is getting. boo hoo - it will NEVER change - get over it. Noone wants to hear your problems - PM the admins or shut the hell up - you just making it worse.
  2. I take it you've seen it? Hmmm, was recommended to me by some yank. Glad no-one rushed out and bought it then. :thumb: Cilk
  3. This place in the states sell a shitty CD-ROM for M50, M52, S52 conversions for the E30 as well as conversion kits. A fully reconditioned (they call it remanufacturered) S52 will set you back US$5k plus you'll need various other bits (which they also sell - it is possible to buy EVERYTHING you need form them if you want, but you wouldn't, so don't). So if any of you are thinking about doing this, don't because these guys don't know sh*t and the CD-ROM is a load of crap. Edit: to reflect the learned opinion of Cilk
  4. I like to have go to back up any show, but when I see a car go past, the ones I look at and covet are always the ones that look good and are a little unique. If I then find out it's some shitty stocker underneath all the kit, it loses points, but I'd still prefer it over some dull looking car that goes like a cat with its tail on fire. I go to events like show and shines, concourse etc because I like looking at nice cars. i respect lap times, and I would own a track car that looked boring but went fast just for the driving aspect, but as far as my personal daily driver or weekend car goes, I want something that is comfortable, looks good and has some "cool" factor. Thus I aspire to make my car look like the cars that I see and think "cool". Not because I want attention, but because cars like that get MY attention - why? cos I think they look cool. If they didn't look good, why would they get ANY attention? BUT balance is the key - I need to be able to stab the gas and actually have something happen.
  5. bravo

    2 low for 5-0

    The fact that you felt compelled to post that as a retort to being called a poser just proves that that IS in fact what you are. Being able to fly a plane doesn't mean jack sh*t. I suppose that is the first thing out of your mouth at the pub, and you carefully arrange your keys on the bar with the BMW logo facing up in a prominent location. Oh and you probably have an alarm with a chirp on arm/disarm and you "accidently" hit the remote every time someone walks past the car. I don't give a hoot about the bimmer/beemer/beamer argument, and I like how your e30 looks even if I wouldn't do it cos I don't like scraping my car over kerbs, but c'mon dude, get a life.
  6. bravo

    The Hate Thread

    I hate it when people over-promise, then under deliver - makes them look much worse than if they'd just admitted in the first place they didn't know diddly squat or couldn't do the job in time.
  7. Edit: Andrew and I crossed posted - that's what I was going to say.
  8. bravo

    The Hate Thread

    amen - was having this discussion only a gew days ago.
  9. I 3-stepped 2 months ago. Took me ages, but result was worth it. Cloth just slid off the bonnet and boot once finished, and takes f-all to get it looking reasonable now. Andrew - do you recommend 3-stepping every time, or just the second two steps?? Will the paint cleaner remove the wax, or is the idea that the wax is gone anyway by the time it needs it again?
  10. Put me in for e30 fronts and sides. Will confirm once price is known.
  11. bravo

    Smoked tailights

    Yeah - it looks pretty terrible if you ask me - can tell a mile off it's been stocking'd. If I was a mean bastard I'd go around putting runs in them on every dumbass homo's car who does this, but I'm not. If you're gay enough to do this, you probably wear stockings. No insult meant to you topless - you weren't to know. But 15 & 16yo's in primered 25yo jappa's who do this should be skool3d.
  12. bravo

    People with racecars

    I'm sure you know, but if you plan on certing for road use and want a full cage, there are serious considerations for clearance from your head and padding or else you won't get a cert. If you don't have the a-pillar tubes it can be certed as a roll bar, but once you go the tubes it is a roll-cage and much harder to do. But if only for targa and track then yyou're sweet either way. It's doable, I'm just giving you a heads up if you didn't know.
  13. Maybe :banghead: :drugs:
  14. bravo

    The Hate Thread

    and back on topic - I hate wankers that go out on weekends to spoil everyone elses night. Why do these people go out at all. Most people go out to have fun with their mates - why are there people that go out to start fights with people they don't know. Saw alot of this happeneing in the last two weekends, and had to "diplomatically" deal to one group of youths (no way any of them were older than 17) that just wouldn't leave well enough alone, or listen to the careful sugegstions that they should carry on their way. I don't like having to do this kind of thing, and neither do my mates. I want to go out, enjoy a few pints and play some pool with my mates, not be confronted in the street by some adolescent tosser with nothing to do and an attitude 10ft tall cos he's with his mates. Luckily most of the time if you ignore them they go and try it on someone else, but from time to time speaking their language, and knocking their heads together is the only way - tossers...
  15. bravo

    The Hate Thread

    My taste is of the highest degree!!!!! lol - jks. I listen loud, but windows up when in town - you can laugh at my vibrating boot, but I can't hear you so I don't care. I also turn it down within 200m or more of my destination - no use advertising the location of all that sound gear to theives. Actually, e30's are quite good at muffling sound from car audio. As long as the windows are up you pretty much only get rattle which can be fixed, no real noise - this I like :thumb: Don't look like a tosser just because you like your music loud. Thean again somebody will probably say that if I can't hear it outside with the doors and windows closed it's just not loud enough - to that I say nothing - cos they're so deaf they won't hear me anyway.
  16. Also think about sound deadening. I was looking around for a separate amp for my sub (instead of bridging 2 channels of my current 4-ch) and a mate suggested I spend about a quarter of the cost of the amp on sound deadening, especially around the front component woofers. the difference is amazing!! The bass from the front components almost totally made up for the smallish power going to my sub (around 200wrms) and I was able to roll back the gains alittle on the fronts too so my amp doesn't work so hard. It also meant that the little bit of harshness I was experiencing from the high soundstage caused by mounting the tweets in the A-pillar sails was evened out a bit and so was able to leave the crappy head unit equaliser almost on flat rather than trying to ramp up bass and smother treble. Next step is to throw more sound deadening in boot to help rid the dreaded boot rattle (already have rubber washers on my no. plate lol) and then maybe some in the doors to reduce outside noise entering the cabin. The floors seem to be relatively well padded by BMW, and there's no way I'm going to attempt to pull out the roof headliner just to throw some sound deadening in.
  17. Actually scrap that - the ROH's look like sh*t - I'll get rid of them for you.
  18. The ROH's are definately my pic. The bottles only would look OK if you cleaned them up heaps.
  19. I need my sub, but not so much for the below 35Hz stuff - in some setups, the sub is tuned to around that anyway, so you don't hear below that. Mine is tuned at 30Hz - the bass test on the new maximum bass CD pwns it as it is hitting its workable limit down at 32Hz. Almost trashed the sub first time I listened to it, only fast reaction on the volume control saved it. So I don't so much agree with the statement of hearing the lower frequencies - but, what I find is that my music is enriched by the addition of bass, and if you are after good sound, then good components and a sub are necessary - It's not always about volume people, clarity and balance is equally important and you can't get that from the stock setup. I get comments from people all the time riding in my car "Wow I like these sounds - so balanced, not overpowering bass like most people with subs" Yet it also manages to hold onto the respect from those who hunger for the doof doof cos it can crank too. Stock sounds suck arse. In fact stock anything sucks arse.
  20. bravo

    The Hate Thread

    I hate this thread. i know every time I look at it, there will be more negative things people hate - it is totally destructive, yet i view it every day. And enjoy reading it. WHY?
  21. Cheers - I'll let you know how it goes - fingers crossed and I'll have a m325i by Friday, if not - someone sell me a manual 'box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Because I have found a car in a as of yet undisclosed location that is badged an m325i, has the black headliner, full Mtech 1 kit (pre-f/l), weavs, six-speaker BMW stereo, colour-coded chrome bumpers, 140,000kms, three owners and I think nz new, but cloth seats. I may be able to pick it up for well under what it's really worth, but wondered about the leather, or lack of it i should say. Forgot to look for sports seats, and will check out LSD when I take it for a test drive, but just doing a bit of research first so I can go in prepared. Anyone know? Cheers.
  23. bravo


    Sorry 'bout the late reply.FMG (Farmers mutual Group) - sorry, but you Auckland boys and girls can't be insured by them. 10% discount for approved alarm too, so toal 15% discount - although that will take some time to recoup the cost of the alarm...
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