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Everything posted by BMW POWER

  1. Man, At my school they EXPECT you to do hardcore study.... and anything less than merits is frowned upon. Didn't get my results today. Might start up a NCEA results thread so we can discuss whats going on lol
  2. Hey Nick Yep, I'll post up a pic in "Ems E30" thread once I get them! In the meantime heres a picture taken just after they were manafactured, costs around $75 NZD delivered for two plates. Superb service, I ordered them, and within an hour had an email from the guy saying that he is making them,. then 6 hours after that or something (early hours of the morning here, was asleep lol) they were made, shipped, and a photo given to you. So fully reccommend them so far, but we'll see when they get here. Heaps of BS'ers have brought em
  3. Coming from a member named "3 pedals" as opposed to "2 pedals" I would hope for nothing less than "Autos r gay" to come out of your mouth. Strangely enough most BMW's and Mercedes (I must say, two of the predominantly leading luxury marquees) are automatic. Hell, the 7 series don't even come in manual gangsta! That must mean IT SUCKS! But yeah manuals are fun to drive. But autos don't suck.
  4. Shot mate, PM me your cell num if you have one. Are you getting PLATES Europlates or German ones? Cos I just ordered my Germanplates liast night, and they were made and shipped this morning! So i reccomend them.. But we'll wait till they get there eh? Haha.
  5. Ashkan! Fuuuuck man.. Dw we still love you if its any consolation. And dw, I'm with ya on the NCEA results! Its cool, hang ten man and remember all the goodtimes!
  6. Thats top notch Grant, Always been very fond of the E34 M5's. Need to get a decent registration label holder ... If ya want one give us a yell and I can hook ya up. Look forward to meeting the car and the person at some stage.

    New here

    Its not a person Kim, Its an electronic freakshow.

    Em's New E30

    Thats a bit down the track anyway Sam.. got my h.u. fixed today Heres a pic of my new BS stickers, spent 10 mins getting it puurrfect, even rolled out Mums lipstick to mark it lol. Ordered Germanplates today too. Heres a pshop...
  9. I knew this day would come Brent.. Knew it knew it. Happy Birthday

    Em's New E30

    Thanks guys. Yeah I cleaned it from top to toe, under seats and under ashtrays etc, boot lining, parcel tray eveerything! Took the glovebox apart today to fix my stereo but I need to get an E30 key from the stereo shop to get it out! Yeah Im considering weaves at some stage. 6 months down the track though... Got a $400 camblet bill, $120 inspection bill and some more stuff
  11. They look to be stock. And theres a stock Blaupunkt tape player in there too. No water leaks The left channel is frickered... The whole left side of the car is staticy. Ive pulled the whole glovebox apart and now im trying to get the headunit out but ill wait till Dads finished mowing the lawns to help me lol. Man E30's are easy to work on, i wouldnt know where to locate the first godsdamned screw in my parents E39 lol And one more thing, how much would an E30 BMW Business single CD be worth? And would all the wiring be there behind my tape player? Cheers Em
  12. Hey Kim V. nice 5er and welcome! Sunds liek you've got some pretty badass plans there.. hehe. We should form a "Girls" group now that we have what 5 girls on here... Well done, Emma.
  13. They have absolutely NO right to change the plate surrounds to theirs. They only time we ever change plate surrounds is when the ones with our name on it are wearing out, or when another dealerships one are wearing out but we ask permission first. Go in an rev them up Cain! Absolutely do not tolerate that sort of carry on. Thats why Cooke Howlison BMW rocks, aye Paul
  14. Hey Guys This is just annoying me, My left rear speaker has a constant but quiet buzzing noise eg You can't hear the constant uzzing unless you have your ear up near it. But the problem is, every time I turn the stereo up or down I get this very audible static blast which is super gay! And freaks out my mates when they're listening to the sounds lol. Ive taken the RR speaker out just to see they wiring is ok (Obvious, but thats how I fixed the cig lighter, not that i smoke, a wire wasnt connected so I fixed it woot go me!) Would this be a headunit output problem or just the speaker is sh*t? The other three are fine. Im planning a BMW Business single CD upgrade or 6 stacker in the future, and would this speaker (or set probably) need to be replaced or is there something basic to fix it? BTW its NOT the radio frequency being gay, I tried a tape too. Cheers Em
  15. Is that the E36 BMW Business pictured Sam?
  16. AMI Is awesome. I'm 15, On my learners, carport, female, Dunedin and its $668 P.A. thats full cover. Going down to $450 next year if i havent claimed Then $400 the next!

    Em's New E30

    Hah.. This loled me out. Grandad like graphic design, hes 75, and hes dutch. I have no legs and the dog floats. Woohoo!
  18. I would fully hit that if I had the money etc. After all - Its got my name on the windscreen! Best of luck with the sale mate.
  19. Churs Ashkan. Northcote ain't half bad man... Decile 9 or sumink isnt it? And yup we do spend alot of time talking about other schools at lunchtime - Thats how I know of u guys Haha you would never know the "flashness" of the school by looking @ this - www.otagogirls.school.nz
  20. I've always loved your car Dennis. Good luck with the sale!
  21. Mint sauce Andy, mint sauce. Can I write up an article about the latest addiction to the BMWCC, BMWCC Otago once everything is completly setup, (after asking my partner of course)? Looking great, we've come a long way. Cheers Em

    Em's New E30

    Weaves, BS sticker, BMWCC Membership, German plates DONE! Tints and a BMW Business CD in the long run. BTW Andrew have ya sent the BS stickers? I am willing to pay BTW... Cheers everyone. It is mint, I'll keep it that way too haha. Man I'm sooo loving it. Final price was $2800. But by the time i've finished with insurance, cambelt, brakelines it'll be exactly $4000. Got money to spare but thats my capital for the next 6 months which I'll use for servicing etc etc. Gonna get a BMWCC membership and Germanplates for my bday yay Just put Cooke Howlison BMW plate surrounds on it from work, just finishes it off I reckon. Cant keep my hands off minting it up, took the ashtray out and did under the seats and under the rear tire and everything, stupid grooming bug I've got hah. Em.
  23. Nice tints there Beau. Though you have tinted the front window?
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