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SHRNTA last won the day on May 8 2022

SHRNTA had the most liked content!

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48 Excellent


  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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    BMW E39 M5
  • Car 2
    BMW E46 M3
  • Car 3
    BMW E30 325i Mtch2

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  1. Hi all, just seeing if anyone has any beige leather interior that they have from a parts car that they can sell. I’m after the rear seats and head rests. much appreciated.
  2. hey mate, is the fuse box under driver seat carpet still available?

    528i E39 Parts

    Sorry to ambush your thread @Xander but I'd be interested in the Racing Dynamics Kit ( @BrentNZ ) if you Xander is not going to take it. @Kiwi_BMW What are the seats? motorsport cloth or msport leather? Thanks
  4. No regrets on projects mate. Look forward to hearing about it. I was thinking about dropping in a m62tub44 into an e36 hatch. Any idea level of work that would go into it?
  5. Hi all, I’ve looked all over the web to find a way to remove the metal sunroof on my e39. There’s a lot of articles showing how to remove glass sunroof but nothing (that I could find) on metal sunroofs. I followed much of the glass removal thinking it would be the same but the screws holding the rear sunroof is not present on the metal sunroof like it is on the glass and the metal sunroof seems to be locked in to the mechanism some how. I’m trying to replace my headliner and instructions are limited for the metal sunroof; it doesn’t appear to be the same for the metal sunroof like it is for the glass. it doesn’t look any different after the sunroof comes off, but my struggle seems to be the starting point with the metal sunroof removal. any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. Parts still available

    X5 4.8is

    Could be interested fella. Details?
  8. Hi all, just seeing if anyone has an e39 sedan OEM Nokia subwoofer box available? Picture added.
  9. Hi I’d be interested. Sending message.
  10. Will see what BM Workshop and German Kollison come back with in terms of damage. I’ve heard parts and panel is about a 3month wait so insurance company might make the decision for me; since everything has to be fixed and given back within a certain period. I’ll never be able to afford a car like this again so out of my hands at this stage.
  11. Haven’t heard anything from insurance company, who probably has got anyway with the police on it. Not sure Police will be interested now that the car has been located. Hope there’s someone who’s got time to look through the footage to find who gone and done it. Should help Wilson Carpark too to improve there security.
  12. It was the Police that located it. Might have been public rang it in to the Police. Plates were removed and replaced with something else.
  13. Hi All, just wanted to let everyone curious or posted here that the car was found, in Torbay of all places. Police has done their forensics and suggests a “deep clean??!” not knowing who’s been in the car. I haven’t been able to see it and won’t be able to see it till insurance is confident car is what it was before claim. from what I can see from photos was mostly bumper damage and I’ve been told only the battery is missing, not sure about engine etc, but Car is heading to BM Workshop for diagnosis and then German Kollisons for panel and paint. thanks for the discussion everyone. Keep your cars safe.
  14. Well Police gave up after a few days. I suspect they have better things to do than stolen vehicles. I passed information on from Wilson Carpark who could recover CCTV footage (which Im not privy too, but will be shown to the police). Again that's if the police want to pursue it. Insurance company has mentioned if the car is not recovered within 14 days of it being stolen, they will pay out for what it was insured for (unlucky for me because I insured it for market value 6 months ago and prices were a lot lower then). Obviously Insurance company are doing their due diligence when paying out and at times it feels like I'm the one at fault here, "why did you park it there for more than a night" "did you try and sell it in the 6 months prior to it getting stolen" and it it feels like i'm doing all the work "can you get the CCTV camera footage, and give it to the police??" Anyway, i'm over it... Never had a car stolen before, so an experience so far. One thing's for sure, insurance companies work for you if you're not at fault (accident caused by someone else etc), but the moment you claim being your fault???!!! they make it hard...
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