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Everything posted by BLACK DORIS

  1. Thats interesting. I was just cleaning the e30 last w'end and noticed a couple of 'stone chip' type marks on the rear passengers side quater window. Never noticed them before, thought they must have been someone tryin to break in. Luckily she's a SA import with security glass!! - Someone told me bullet proof glass but I don't think it's that hard core... It also has an old school immobiliser, not sure how much of a deterant that is! Mite need forrest (nathan) to install a battery kill switch as well! Anyway it's def got me a lil more anxious about parking around my studio.
  2. Nice work Nath, be keen to see her in person some time! I don't know if you've nailed the sleeper look tho, looks pretty badass imho
  3. isn't this (09) the year of the ox?

    Clean Out

    Nice ride. GL with the sale, i'm sure they'll be plenty of interest. If i could i'd be puttin up an offer myself!! Rio
  5. No problem for mac, combined with firefox WOT app. That link never had a chance...
  6. ^ +1 Also, was that just the main advertised stuff or one of the additional products. Cheers
  7. I'm sure I saw somewhere that nuclear power generation is actually very safe. The problem was disposing of the radio active waste/by-products. Apparently Teslar had some crazy device that would pull electricity out of the stratosphere (???) and would have been available freely to everyone. Guess that idea didnt sit well with energy suppliers... and was never heard of again.
  8. ^ Ahh, the dreded river queen.... On topic, got the e30 at the start of the year. Within the first two weeks i had to have the radiator flushed, coolant replaced, waterpump replaced. It cost around half the purchase price of the car getting these bits done at mechanics!! - (I will do more things myself in future). Since then i've also had oil and filter replaced (service light reminder) and need to replace the exhaust manifold gaskets and fix an exhaust leak. Have also spent a bit on other new bits and pieces i.e. b'weves, springs, shocks etc. Having said that - I F*@KN LOVE THIS OLD BEEARCH!!! She's already been to both sides of the north island (east n west coasts x 2) just went through central plateau over easter w'end up to akl then back down through rotorua etc. She was fast, handled well and just a lot of fun. Dont sell. Or if you do, pm me!!!! haha.
  9. ^^ Cheers. Which brands/models would you recommend? - if you can be bothered!!!
  10. I'm interested in this for my e30, just wondering if there are any issues that BS members have found with putting keyless systems in their cars? Especially earlier models, I'm sure I've seen a few things online where the keyless system has caused problems with some older vehicles... cheers
  11. Dam, she's been a member all of 5 mins and she's already organized 3 cruises around the north island. RESPEK!! dam you women and your multi-tasking... will look to make may date.
  12. Good cause, my aunty used to do work with some autistic kids/teens. Nice.
  13. Sad development. You have to admit there is some degree of mental illness in owning a bmw, not saying psyco - more OCD.
  14. Is it just me or are things just getting too F**kd up and twisted in general??? Bring on the depression i say and lets get back to basics, start again.
  15. hey max, gigs went really well, was doin a support set of my own material (before FFD gig) which went down pretty well with the locals over there. FFD album almost done, should be out in a few weeks. Playin the power station in akl this w'end (fri & sat), and doin the support slots again, lookin forward to it!!! Cheers apex! Will let the boys know.
  16. I just got back to nz myself after two wks (melb, add, syd, bris, and byron). Not many e30's spotted in that time but plenty of brand new exec type model 3's, 5's and the odd 7- lots of x5's tho... On topic, nice score max!! Looks very tidy! You should bring it home...
  17. Hey nath, can you hold the beautiful b'cap (lol) til i get back from oz in arnd 2 weeks? Need a good spare. And poss the best one of the 2 with no tyres if no one else takes it... cheers rio
  18. only if you credit bimmersport for your assignment. OR, you stack all the mercs on top of your e30, chinese circus styles with plates spinning on the wing mirrors and an elephant in a trunk/hand-stand on top. that would be cool.
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