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Everything posted by laadeelaa

  1. I'll just add in putting your phone on speaker phone and putting it on your lap or wherever is gonna be banned along with texting and talking on the phone.
  2. Okay. So we all have to go out and buy hands free car kits? http://search.dse.co.nz/search?w=hands+fre...&submit.y=6 Flip. I wonder if the ol' gps does the trick? I always smile to myself when i see people sitting in their cars having a talk by themselves. "Are they using hands free mobile or are they just crazy".
  3. For all the noobies, who put up their first posts, write in text language, and don't get around to reading the forum rules...maybe it could be avoided by having a quick note upon joining, just about how it would be appriciated if text language was avoided in the threads... Just a small idea. P.s Kudos to Simon (or Mod's behind it) for the "get to the point, no bullshh" approach to forum rules again.
  4. Take that back! Tauranga is the worst place for drivers. Drove past this today, going into Matua. A man had driven his poor e39 up a curb and into a tree...how the hell does someone manage to do that?
  5. Thanks for pointing it out Johnno. I felt little confused. Sorry for the spelling mistake. Half asleep.
  6. It happened to me about one month ago. Driving back to Manurewa from town with Mike and two other guys. We were just minding our own business, I casually drove past an older Holden Commodore. A few minutes later I looked into my rareview mirror and saw the Commodore following us onto the Greenlane offramp (we decided to go get some Mc'D's). I pulled into the carpark, parked up and looked in the rareview mirror again and noticed the Commodore parked right behind my car. I silently shat my undies, luckily enough one of the guys in my car got out and asked what they were up to, and mentioned my chromes (this is when I had them) wouldn't fit the Commodore. Thank goodness they drove off. Lets say I feel a little unsafe driving in Auckland by myself now. If they tried stealing my car, I'd let them. I'd rather them steal my car than hurt me.
  7. Oh man, so sorry to hear about that, how long you have your licence suspended for? Good luck with sorting it!
  8. "2TOUGH" Hahahaha. Only chrome rims which I feel do not degrade Bmws are the Oem's and bbs rs. I should have added that in earlier, knew someone would add it in.
  9. It's like trademe is going through a time period of e30 m3s...might as well enjoy the eye candy before they go into hiding again.
  10. Look. You're digging yourself a hole. Best to avoid the conversation of chrome rims on bimmersport. If you keep pushing on it I suggest you take your claims somewhere else... like here. http://allchromedout.com/ I feel chrome rims degrade a car now. Especially BMW's.
  11. Shady, you'll mature, just like I did. I used to love chrome. I dislike it now. I'll give you a year...
  12. Haha! antil33t! After a few wines that comment made me lol. Aye! It isn't her? I'd give her about a 6. Maybe I should have got my Dad to do that on trademe for my chromes. Jokes.
  13. Her Dad obviously owns her car. She obviously doesn't have a job to pay off her fines, therefore no money to buy a car. I just lol'ed. I'd be so embarrassed if my dad put a picture of me up like that on Trademe. A bit...uhhh public? Oh well. Sounds like she's gonna learn from it. Sometimes it works better to sell your kids stuff. Hahaha. I remember when I was younger, if I got in trouble for being a little sh*t my parents would tell me they're gonna sell my Barbies and toys. Well. It always worked.
  14. Hahaha! I just got so frustrated waiting in traffic for like 5 minutes on Hewletts Road between Mt. Maunganui and Tauranga. And then I came home and read this. I don't miss Auckland traffic at all.
  15. This is exactly what I was like when I watched it. Over and Over.
  16. What a hilarious read for the morning wake up. Good stuff guys.
  17. You just got my hopes up! "YUS! Another touring on TM"...but its Ebay.
  18. Jamez! What a friggin great idea!
  19. I DID IT! They're gone! Now just waiting for someone to buy my car. Then hello e30! *Waves hands up and down in an excited motion*.
  20. laadeelaa

    I don't get this

    It's sad. People can literally get away with murder in NZ. The law system is a joke here.
  21. Anyone dumb enough to fix it deserves it.
  22. Worth a look. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-232861131.htm Forget photoshop! This is the real thang.
  23. This help? http://www.ltsa.govt.nz/vehicle-ownership/noisy-vehicle.html
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