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Everything posted by OLLIE

  1. It's flood control ... End of 2009 there was a lot of spamming on the Personal Message (PM) system. After consulting with reCaptcha (the provider of the captcha security system) we believe that humans are being used to bypass the captcha and then the newly created account is given to an automated script which sends PMs in huge quantities to you members. The flood control limits how fast a member can send PMs thereby giving our moderators time to ban or delete the offending account. I believe there has been some security updates since which should hopefully have solved the problem .... So .... I've set the time between PM's to approx 10 secs. If anyone gets any spam please report it straight away.
  2. OLLIE

    HB Craig (shuey)

    Happy Birthday mate!
  3. Hi All I have a pair of front shocks for an E30 series race car. They are brand new in the box and are the shocks used in the E30 race series. They are the smaller diameter inserts to fit into the 45mm struts. They would be perfect for a lowered road car, track day car or of course an E30 series race car. $490 to bimmersport members - this is a bloody decent discount on the retail. First in first serve - Call 027 544 8699
  4. Saw a nice black one of these in the flesh today and I like! I think it has to have the roof racks though! - pref silver racks on a black car. Very nice looking car, so I thought i'd look up some specs. view specs here
  5. give Basil a call at chiptuning.co.nz - he's very knowledgeable and has an agent in dunedin i think.
  6. OLLIE

    HB Henry

    happy birthday mate ... large
  7. attachment uploads now working - don't go crazy. remember resize your pics before posting please Thank you
  8. nice! i knew it was only a matter of time
  9. Congratulations mate. you did well
  10. OLLIE

    HB Simon

    kapai, glad you had a good one Si
  11. Tearing my hair out here ... currently it's out of my hands and am waiting for server admin to do something ... watch this space
  12. un tick daylight savings but tick the Automatically adjust for DST box.as for IE logon issue ashkan - i'll look into it ...clear you cache and cookies though ... I hate IE
  13. done when daylight savings is over we'll see if it actually automatically adjusts - if it doesn't or it adjusts it the wrong way i'll have to adjust the time for the whole board. better 1 of me adjust it than all of you.
  14. yeah this works ... however this means you will need to manually adjust it each time daylight savings comes around ... would you prefer that I adjusted it so that you can tick the DST box and have it adjust automatically?
  15. Working through problems now - bare with us. Forum Clock - I have adjusted this now - let me know if it works for you. Login from home page - I have disabled this for the time being - you'll have to login from in the forum - i'm sure this is not too hard. Ads ... the bimmersport adserver is being a prick. I've got the homepage looking right now and am working on getting the ads back online. Ollie edit - forum time for me is an hour behind ... i have auto detect DST (daylight savings) ticked in my board setting in my control panel. Can a couple of you report what time you are getting and whether you have the box ticked. Cheers
  16. OLLIE

    HB Emma (Em)

    Happy Birthday to you down there in Dunedin
  17. OLLIE

    HB Boss (OLLIE)

    Cheers for all the nice wishes guys, and for the blowies etc ... I had a good day, relaxing, eating and drinking. Catch up for a beer with some of you sometime soon.
  18. OLLIE

    E30 V8 for sale

    I'll look after it while you are "away"
  19. OLLIE

    Valentines day

    It's my birthday ... so valentines day falls by the wayside and I get presents and head
  20. what the hell? are you retarded?
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