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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Cheers all for that. Yeah, unfortunately had to work today, and have squash tonight (but will enjoy a beer or two afterwards). I also have to be on reasonably good behaviour because tomorrow I have to take clients golfing for the day (so need to be reasonably sharp and not appear hung over ). Dave, you work at a popular spot, the earliest I could book for is for Thursday...so if you are cheffing (made up word) then I'll see you then, we are booked in for 7.00pm. Cheers
  2. Grant

    FAO CilkWorm

    Martyn I think he may be on holiday in Hawaii (I think he said that we was off on holiday straight after exams). I could be wrong though. Are you scanning a copy of the article? If so, could you email it to me. [email protected] Cheers
  3. Grant

    FL front lip

    Better than that, its free...but you will need to pick it up from my place in Auckland (unless you know someone going from Auckland to Napier) .I think that it would be a pain to post or courier. Cheers
  4. Grant

    Oil Consumption

    Slight consumption is pretty normal. 200ml in 3,000km's doesn't seem too bad to me. Mine seems to use about 500ml between oil changes. Both mechanics I have spoken to have told me that it is pretty normal (in an E30) and not to worry about it. Cheers Grant
  5. Grant

    auckland v8's

    good stuff, bloody funny....bad sadly true Cheers
  6. Sorry, been away for the weekend, but Happy Belated Birthday. Cheers
  7. I'm always chilledJust trying to keep things in the right place. There is a reason that there is an off topic forum. I don't see what the New Zealand political climate has to do with the general discussion about BMW's. Cheers
  8. Hi I have heard good things about Greame Clyde (I think that is his name), anyway Juzzie will know for sure. Juzzie, over to you... Cheers
  9. Grant

    Ferrari ???

    Cool, I would be interested in that.Given the weather, and the fact that I am leaving to go to Wellington early tomorrow morning, I might give the BBQ a miss tonight (I am also picking some people up from the airport at 9.00pm tonight). Do you have the info on the Humle car in soft copy? If so could you email it to me? [email protected] Cheers Grant
  10. Grant

    Ferrari ???

    Isn't the NZ Supercar being named atter Dennis Hulme, and not Bruce McLaren?I could be wrong though - but I'm sure there will be a copywrite issue with using the McLaren name for a supercar (apart from the actual McLaren firm). Cheers
  11. Grant

    Oil Light

    Good stuff, that must be a huge relief. It is good when a potentially big (and expensive) problem turns out to be a really minor issue.Cheers
  12. Where did this come from? This thread isn't about ///M badges on a car, it is about Abby, her car, and her manual conversion. Cheers.
  13. Again, this thread has got stupid, with the majority of the posts being off topic. The topic here is, whether it is legal or not to smoke while driving your car. Get back on topic. If you all want to attempt to impress everyone with your pseudo-intellectual arguements, either start an informed debate in the off topic forum, or go and find a socio-political forum to vent your thoughts and opinions (which I admit all seem a bit 1/2 baked reading this thread). Cheers
  14. Grant

    Eminem - Encore

    This thread has got stupid. Get back on topic which is what you think about Eminem's new album. Half of you are sounding like you are just trying too hard. Cheers
  15. Yup, I have a piece of insulated wire that I use to reset mine. Put each end of the wire into the right place, turn the car on for 5 seconds...and woohoo, all reset.Mine is an E30 though, but I imagine that an E36 would be no differant. As for taking it to a specialist BMW mechanic for pure servicing...garbage, just take it to any reliable mechanic. Cheers
  16. Grant

    F/S: E36 325i

    Have you ever considered just typing normally. It makes it much easier for everyone to read.Cheers
  17. Grant

    Ferrari ???

    I 100% agree with you Carl.Porsche in my opinion is number 1 too. Cheers
  18. There are '91 E30's around. Mine is officially a 1991 E30 (even though it was manufactured in late 1990). This will be the same I'm sure.
  19. Grant

    Parts for sale

    It is the motronic 325i box I am after (to replace my current leaking one).Cheers
  20. Grant

    Parts for sale

    No, not Manfield. I am visiting friends who are home from England, and will be in Otaki, so am going there.Will be in Wellington on Saturday night, going to Carols in the Caketin apparently. If anyone else is there, give me a call. 027 285 1448. Mike, how much do you want for the gearbox? Let me know if you will be around Saturday late afternoon, early evening -will pick it up then if ok with you? Cheers Grant
  21. Grant

    Ferrari ???

    Autosalon was ok. I guess there are only so many Evo's, GSR's, WRX's Honda's with fancy paint jobs, bling bling engine bays, and small TV's in the seats that you can look at before it becomes a bit repetitive.Was good for a quick look though. Cheers
  22. Grant

    Ferrari ???

    Hi Saw this at the Autosalon today. It is a replica Ferrari 355, which started life as a Toyota MR2. It was very well done. Cheers
  23. Cool, I have just bought a pair of grey and black Recaro's out of a 1993 GSR Mitsi Lancer. They look to be a good comprimise between the stock E30 seats I currently have (which are in very good condition should anyone want to buy them off me) and more hard out racing style seats. They should arrive in a couple of days (they are coming up from the Hawkes Bay). Who would anyone recommend to get them fitted? Any bright ideas? Cheers Grant
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