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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Grant

    Camo Cops

    I tend to agree. Drivers in New Zealand are getting better I think, and are becoming more polite and courteous.However there are a small percentage of idiots...but I guess that anywhere has these. Within the last year I have driven in the States and Aussie, and NZ drivers have a long way to go to be as polite as drivers in these countries. I also tend to be watching my speedo far too much as well, but as a rule don't tend to drive any faster than the speed limit (but it is easy to creep up over from time to time). However, compared to most other first world countries, our roads are rubbish and are sub standard, I'm sure that this contributes to accidents somewhat. Last month I did a bit of driving in the Sierra Navada mountains, the mountain roads in California are amazing, every single corner has a great camber, and this makes taking the corners much easier (especially since we were in a 1979 Saab, with one hell of a lot of body roll). Roads and corners in NZ in similar circumstances (say on the Coromandel Peninsula) are terrible in comparison). There needs to be more driver education in New Zealand, and in my opinion we need a driver licencing system similar to what they have in somewhere like Germany (I think that this has been mentioned previously in this thread) whereby licences are much harder to obtain. Anyway, my quick thoughts. Cheers
  2. Grant

    Big News For Me

    No, I will always do that......well maybe not always, I guess I should learn to behave myself. Cheers
  3. Very sad.....heres mine.
  4. Grant

    m325i 4sale

    Is that the start of a new Tui billboard advert?Yeah Right.
  5. Hi I have just been driving around trying to find someone open today who would sell a 14 or 15mm allen key. Everyone just seems to sell a 10mm max one. Does anyone on here (in Auckland) have one that I could borrow? I want to use it to be able to top up my gearbox oil. Cheers Grant
  6. Grant

    Dunlop Targa

    Just look up the Targa website (www.targa.co.nz). It tells you.Oh you could always splash out and buy the Classic Car magazine. Cheers
  7. Grant

    Dunlop Targa

    I am going to the beach, but am semi-considering whipping across to Rangiriri on Sunday to watch a couple of the prologue stages, but will be driving the Wrangler, so don't know if the effort is worth it (the E30 is so much more fun to drive to the beach and back).Cheers
  8. Agreed. It is unfair on Andrew that he pays for the majority of the running costs of this site.Surely a few more of you can cough up the cash as well. Cheers
  9. Grant

    Dunlop Targa

    Go the Bottlecaps!!! Best of luck Ian, hope you have a great race and stay on the black stuff. I'm sure we will be following your progress online (it is great how the results get posted so quickly stage by stage). Cheers
  10. Grant

    mags for sale

    what tyres are on them, also how much tread is on them?
  11. Grant

    E30 M3 *CHEAP*

    i know its off topic but .Are you a lawyer grant ? No I'm not.Juzzie is though. Cheers
  12. Grant

    Big News For Me

    Wow, must be something in the water.Congratulations to you too. Cheers
  13. Grant


    dont listen to him.he's always like that be loud and make as much nosie as you want just do it quietly, some of us are getting old, and the loud noises can make our pacemakers play up.
  14. Grant

    Big News For Me

    Cheers all At this stage the big date will be in early 2006 (with Brook's family all being in the USA, we need to give plenty of warning/time etc to get their butts into gear). Yes I think BMW's will be in order for wedding cars. And I really shouldn't frighten my or Brook's family and friends by having Gus as a flower girl. The thought of it is even worrying. Cheers
  15. Now, that is an awesome car. Cheers
  16. Cheers Greame, let me know, I don't think that the are 'side specific' so either should do.
  17. Grant

    Big News For Me

    Yeah, I'm stoked. About time I settled down and started acting may age (every now and then!!!!)
  18. I certainly hope so, I am currently glueing up my old one (with a big chunk missing)....oh well it will do in the meantime.
  19. Grant


    Interesting beast you have there. Welcome to the site. Do I sense a race between you and Glenn (on the track in a total legal situation of course)??? Cheers
  20. Grant

    new mods

    Nice answer.Cheers
  21. Grant

    Big News For Me

    Hello All Whether you care or not... I got engaged to Brook on Saturday. Cheers
  22. Hi All I need a Front Right (also if anyone has a front left one, I'll take it too) bumper indicator lens. I had a stone go through mine today on the way to Hamilton. The bulb is still fine, so just need the actual orange plastic piece. Greame, you don't have any floating around do you? Cheers Grant
  23. Grant

    Bottle caps

    Cool, I'll give you a ring on Sunday when I am more sure about where I'll be at what time, but am coming to Hamilton then. Cheers
  24. Grant

    Bottle caps

    I'll meet you 1/2 way. $150.00 It means you will have to drink a little less on your night out, but your head the next morning will thank you for it.
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