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_Matt_ last won the day on January 23 2014

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Community Reputation

42 Excellent


About _Matt_

  • Rank
    4th Gear
  • Birthday 01/12/1989

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  • Car
    84' E28 M528i 3.5L Manual
  • Mods List
    Zender Kit, 16" BBS RS's
  • Car 2
    90' E34 535i

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  1. Hi Matt a year on and only now this came to my attention. Pity as I have been down through ChCh 4 times since april 2019!

    On one trip I took a complete M30b34,but at home here on Feilding I have an m30 block which I could've brought down too. No planned trips for this year though. Block still in shed though. Sold x2 complete engines, this one had a good head that I needed for my race car.

    $40, if you want to freight it down. Bores just need a hone, otherwise all good. Cheers david

  2. _Matt_

    BIG 6 m30 engine

    Is this a good thread to ask for a M30B34 block? I'm in need of one for my poor E28.
  3. _Matt_

    Quick Questions

    When purchasing a timing chain with master link is does that come with the link and cir-clips to connect the chain? It might seem like a weird question but I can't actually find pictures or confirm if all is included without needing a special tool to press the chain etc.
  4. _Matt_

    Quick Questions

    Looking to finish off my engine bay restoration but I'm stumped as to which radiator to buy. Attached is my current one inside my M528i E28 I think one of those switches is a temp switch for the aircon radiator fan...I'm not sure about the other one...what replacement radiator will accomodate these sensors? also do all radiators just have the expansion tank nipple you have to screw in yourself? TIA
  5. That the outfit on Hands Rd? Cheers, I'll give him a visit. It's nice that he has some e21s, he'll appreciate the love I have for my E28
  6. My 84' E28 needs a rust repair done on the engine support, about where the steering box/subframe/ all sort of suspension and steering components join up. When they failed my WOF they basically said I'd need someone that cares about my car enough to fix it correctly due to the fact everything has to be precise. All the steering component etc surround the area. My question is, does anyone know a crowd that would take this on? and has some good skills and attitude to do the job right? I feel it's not big enough to take to a classic restoration outfit but I don't want any old panel shop to botch my car either. TIA.
  7. Na, she did after my engine swap a couple of years ago. Until a few WOFs in. They discovered a bit of rust. We are only on one income after my son was born so $0 to throw at my pride and joy right now
  8. Had her first wash in a year or two. Covered and garaged once again
  9. I swapped the sensor positions and also tried turning the engine over with the plugs both ways around.
  10. yep, factory setup. out of a 635i I believe. Swapped them with no luck. I'm only getting one correct resistance from point 1 to 2 of a single sensor, 1060ish ohms. Every other point on both sensors fail to read anything. The other points are suppose to shoot up to 100 000+ right?
  11. anyone out there have one or two of these lying around? I believe it's what is stopping my E28 from starting since one doesnt pass the resistence test. I'm moving house in a week so it's rather bad timing. Anyone got some working ones? dont care if they are bad condition, I'm buying new ones anyway, I just need to be able to drive it to my new place. TIA
  12. 12 rockers - $180 12 valve seals - $12 Cam regrind - $150 some valve grind paste - $20? and whatever a skimmed head costs...
  13. It would cause excess load on the engine and a buggered bearing would also cause a whirring noise. Would it cause it to stall? it shouldn't. But you've established the alternator needs repairing or replacement, so fix that and go from there I say.
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