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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. your best to buy new ones of these.
  2. bumpstop325


    you on drugs or life man?
  3. Sorry to that bro, i know how you feel.
  4. firstly, i think the series is going to be fun for all. a focus on the driver of the car is very important. Maybe, after being the race series is established and has a strong base. A look into different engine's being able to run along side the 318/320's. But, why has there been an exculusion(sp?) of the use of the M10b18 engine, where the M20b20 is ok? (providing the m20 is L-jet, or have i missed something?) Is the M10 engine faster than the M40? Where the M40 powered car is alot harder to find than the M10 variant (South of the Bombays). Im sure alot of people are very disappointed, in that they are unable to race that engine. I know i had plans to run an M10 engine, but plans have taken a shelf for now.
  5. Anything that will do a nice job?
  6. $495 + postage. Can they supply bulbs aswel? I know a crowd in oz that have offered to supply 4 H1 bulbs for AU$10 each with purchase of the eyes.
  7. is the Tappet cover vented at all? why/why not?
  8. aslong as the tread is still 1.5mm across 80% of the tyre they are legal. cto some of you this maybe pie in the sky, can i get a second, or be corrected?
  9. From r3vlimited. This will be useful for anyone, who is not too sue where they can jack their car up from and safely place axle stands under.
  10. or he cant start it when the engine is hot?
  11. I needed a laugh. You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
  12. bumpstop325

    first car

    good to see your project is on the move. Might have to drop by one day again and have look see.
  13. PARAMETER................... TO INCREASE UNDERSTEER... ......TO INCREASE OVERSTEER FRONT TIRE PRESSURE .................LOWER................................. HIGHER REAR TIRE PRESSURE ...................HIGHER .................................LOWER FRONT TIRE WIDTH ......................SMALLER ...............................LARGER REAR TIRE WIDTH........................ LARGER ..............................SMALLER FRONT CAMBER .........................MORE POSITIVE ...................MORE NEGATIVE REAR CAMBER ..........................MORE NEGATIVE................. MORE POSITIVE FRONT SPRINGS .............................STIFFER ...............................SOFTER REAR SPRINGS............................... SOFTER .............................STIFFER FRONT ANTI-SWAY BAR................... STIFFER .............................SOFTER REAR ANTI-SWAY BAR..................... SOFTER .............................STIFFER This is a reference guide only. You have warned.
  14. please remember the e30 front bearings are a whole hub replacement. It is an unusal setup, yes. but its is just the way they built these beasts.
  15. i would not say, you would totally ruin them. there would be a high possiblity that you would change the spring constant dramaticly, that the operating envelope you are looking to use them for is completely wrong. unless afterwards you are able to measure the spring constant.
  16. Welldone. Having done it myself. Was it straight forward? What tools did not you have before you started? I know i have made sure i always have a spare car to get bits, sometimes. Welcome to the site. Please remove your shoes at the door, Thank you.
  17. make sure you relace the exhaust studs. you should know this already.
  18. i had a major problem with mine in the fact that they sent me the wrong one. So i returned it and still was pissed off at VAC motorsports. I will not recomend them as they are a real bitch to deal with and treat you like a dummy. M20 cam gears are different compared to the L-jet and motronic systems. Instead of buying a new one. you can take it down to an engineering workshop and have your old one made into a new adjustable one for about the same money.
  19. head bolts. these are use once only. do camblet. expect $300-400
  20. headers will increase hp and torque. only by about 15hp and 50nm average. Power curve will be smoother aswell. if your going to take apart the engine, try balancing the engine? do crank, pistons,flywheel etc. If your going to keep it n/a. your engine will love you.
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