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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. bumpstop325

    King Springs

    i have superlow springs in mine my 25 and have kept the standard shocks.the springs still remained captive at full extension. i have just replaced my shocks with black KYB's
  2. most of my hood does not like my car cause it's too lould and i got to work at 5am in the morning. so go figure? but the funny thing is that there's a cop's daugther around the corner from me and she likes my car and her dad gave me a notice saying my car is too lould. "Hi, im here to pick up your daughter?"
  3. Happy Bday Bro, might see ya 2nite!!
  4. bumpstop325

    Its JDM Yo!

    need to get the right pulse for my rota!!!
  5. 1 set = 1 plate 2 sets = 2 plates stupid aye?
  6. yeah ebay. there's alot of stuff on there. i have seen afew 'new' wheel bearing sets for sale on there. search "bmw e30" Lewis, from memory, managed to just get the bearing itself and replaced it himself. instead of buying the whole wheel assem.
  7. yeah,i fogot about that. i will give him a txt.
  8. I will be making my way down to chch this wknd. Sat til Mon. i will be drinking heavly & stuff so i will be out but i wont have my twofive with me. I will be very keen to meet up with some BS ppl down there.
  9. when it heats up the v....(cant think of the word) of the oil changes. when the oil is cold. it is dense and think. when it warms up the oil increases in volume and becomes less dence. therefore pessure drops. that is my understanding. if someone can prove me wrong, i will stand corrected.
  10. yes, when it comes to WOF time all the 'grey area stuff' comes off and tried and true stuff goes back on. execpt for my centre rear lap belt which just stays out. i carry my proper plates in my boot with tools to change the plates over at request of the po po, if need be. i havent had any problems with my plate so far. And my car isnt one to go unnoticed when driving thou town.
  11. yeah i know what hes on about. i have the same system on my car. with the 'key' wheelnut locks. 90 degree turn will unlock them the key is designed to say on the lock nut itself so as you remove them off the 17mm stud, it will stay on it. I think it is a pain in the arse for me. as i have deep stud holes in my mags and i need a pair of needle nose pliers to hold the key and turn it. I would say in getting them off you will need a flat head screw driver and a hammer to try and twist them so can unlock them.
  12. true that, any e30 upgrade really needs to be 100% custom. like glenns old brakes.
  13. no, it dosnt. as the engine warms ups, oil pressure drops. but comes back up when reved.
  14. these days your more likely to get away with 'rape' than get away with doing 52km/h. That's what i think sucks. More than anything else. Crime should be the po po first and highest job. not traffic duties. if anything cops should be taken off traffic to make up crime fighting numbers. not the other way round. Also fines go straight into the coffers pockets. none go to road saftey or very very little.Its too much of a money spinner for the govenment. Cam, your comments are soo true. coming from a policeman's son 'me'. im feeling the sameway as you. i 'used' to look up to the thin blue line in respect and look at them a good way. but how my confidence has dropped in them. they are just pests on the road. the way the new cops are bought up is every time you pull someone over you HAVE TO TICKET them because the boss said so. because it uneconomical to pull someone and not ticket them. Thats why i think the focus is on traffic. There is no money to be made in solving crimes. Just money being spent in court. Seen as the govenment cant make money in solving crimes, they target younger drivers for not doing little petty things.
  15. i used to have a pin stripe on mine aswell. but it cam off when i got it resprayd. it was in the M stripe colours. i lokked good but i liked it even better with them off.
  16. your better off on importing one from the states. it will be cheaper and it will be new. There are heaps of e36 parts for sale you just need to look for them. Dont be afraid from importing stuff from the states. just ask someone on the american forums and ask if anyone has had any dealing with company 'X'. and them go buy the product.
  17. bumpstop325

    Mean '02

    andy, thats the right colour for you bro!!
  18. bumpstop325


    my old mans 4x4 i take out everynow and again. its only got 80/20 tyres on it but that dosnt stop me doing most of my activites. i just make sure i go with a mate. my old mans got a nissan terrano turbo 5sp.f**k its mean as. not as mean as other 4x4 around but i still have to look after it as it isnt mine. my 4x4 advenures consit of driving around big unbuilt subdivions, with a car load of pissed mates doing mainly skids. i would like to get into more real 4x4 one day.
  19. bumpstop325

    My seats

    i need some new seats for my 25. how much? gus owes me a favour
  20. bumpstop325

    Shorty's BM

    yep, there are the sh*t. i want to import a bumper like that to be different. it is the US models only that had them. they are badass!! and do any with the other repeaters after the front guard.
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