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About Arborguy

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    1st Gear

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    E36 238i Coupe

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  1. Pulled from a deceased E32 750il. Add more oumph to your E30 pedal. $220. Located Orewa-Auckland.
  2. I had hawk HP+ pads in my old type r and loved them. Just make sure you bmw oem or decent branded rotors. I made the mistake of using cheap bnt rotors (can't remember who manufacturered them) and got major brake shudder after 3-4 laps round Pukekohe. Likely a defect in the steel.
  3. After either a full set of either H&R sport (may consider race) or Eibach pro rear springs for a 6 cylinder E36. Thanks.
  4. Who did the tumbling of the bolts I've just put mine back together with the black bolts and standard colour faces after I cleaned the up. Jas restored the barrels.
  5. Going back to cam grinding. I haven't contacted anyone for a quote but is there any reason why a ground cam would be inferior to a purpose made cam with the same duration and lift specs? I would imaging the rest of the valvetrain would work with an aftermarket cam without making adjustments.
  6. Don't forget that this is for both sides. This includes running a m50b25(non vanos) intake cam on the exhaust side of the m52. This means that both cams will be 240° with 9.7mm lift. I also have a local engineer who's been machining up things for me for a long time and does work very cheap so there won't be much cost with modifying the m54 cam. On a side note, has anyone had experience with having cams ground?
  7. I'm seeing a lot of contradicting information regarding this "upgrade" for an M52. What is everyone's experience with camshafts in their m52's? This swap involves using the intake cam from a m54b30 on the intake side and a non vanos m50b25 cam on the exhaust side of the single vanos M52. While there are some fantastic aftermarket options, they all seem very expensive (including used M3 cams). Any input or personal appreciated would be appreciated. I also see that this has been touched on before but don't believe there has been any feedback from someone who has done the swap. Thanks.
  8. These are clean! Wobt last long with this price.
  9. i have a fuel pump that may need soldering or a new sender as it doesn't read fuel level. Operates fine.
  10. Hi all, Sorry for the late reply. I manage to source some low mileage B8 front shocks from the state that came with some Eibach springs cheap. I also bought rear shocks new from speedfactor. Shocks are great and really happy with them although i would be looking a decent set of springs next. I currently have a set of msport springs, a set of jamex springs and Eibach front springs that are currently on the front with the shocks. Ideally i would be after H&R sports so i would be interested in Thorburns' springs. Cheers guys
  11. Is there curbing on all wheels?
  12. Yup I was going to buy the rears new. It's the fronts that are very expensive which I already have. For the price if rebuilding an older HD shock it is worth buying a brand new pair if b8s that are already shortened.
  13. I believe race shocks rebuild en about $40-50 cheaper than autolign.
  14. Wanting to buy coupe door cars. Fronts only or fronts and rears if leather then I would want a full set. If cloth then come edition of the fabric is not important but vynil must not be peeling away. Wanting twin speaker door cards only. Thanks.
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