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Everything posted by turboray82

  1. Bugger, what a mess, i would have been interested as well. I remember a similar colored E30 wagon with the v12 a few years back
  2. Very True. I am skilled in the car sales bit. However most of my recent knowledge is all fords. Its been some time since my E30 days. I have to study up on what to look for in E39's
  3. I do sales, i can BS but i hate it. I do however like selling stuff i know about. Kyu's one does look pretty nice. I'm in auckland friday but wont have time to view. Ideally want a M5 but that involves selling the cobra. And im not buying a E39 M5 unless it has low KM's. They are few and far between but i would like to retain some sort of value over the long term. Spoke with the owner of the above via email and he has owned for 10 years and has been maintained by an BMW enthusiast. Hope he dosent get offended if i suggest 5k
  4. I saw that car and i love it. However Auckland is a bit far. Very good looking though.
  5. That's sort of what i was thinking. Wasn't looking too much for an ACS just a cheap e39 daily. But the kit is nice, its got my favorite knockoff wheels and it looks like he at least has his priorities straight with modifications. I dont however hold the kit in adding any value, just a bonus. Or you could get stupid and do a LS swap..
  6. What do you guys think? Is the owner here? Looks like its got enough stuff to be a solid base. All the proper things have been done. Or should be priced more in the 5k range? http://www.trademe.co.nz/a.aspx?id=1331828793
  7. Hey mate id be keen to have a look at it. Whats your contact details? Ray
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