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deedub last won the day on September 2

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About deedub

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    1987 E30 M325i

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  1. Yea if I go for them then I would want to make an offer and get the price down a bit.
  2. Never really been a fan of the bottlecaps but at 16" they actually look pretty cool. About the same cost of alpina reps delivered as well. Definitely an interesting option. You got me thinking for a minute there. Would def be pretty unique at that size as well and still fit the OEM+ build I'm going for. Though I've had my mind set on alpinas from the start. Prefer genuine but if I went with reps then I'd have some extra coin to set aside for other work. Which is why I was interested in the trade me listing. Does seem pretty steep though for a used set...
  3. I'm considering these. They're genuine and look in good condition. 3.5k. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/car-parts-accessories/wheels-tyres/alloy-wheels/listing/5072098059 What do you reckon of the price? Reasonable? For comparison: - Genuine/New from Alpina would be about 6.5 - 7k delivered - Maxilite reps would be close to 3k delivered (from bimmerworld - didn't look for cheaper places)
  4. Ah right. Confused cause I didn't think BMW were cheap. So figured you must be referring to VTNZ.
  5. Don't get it. Who are the monkeys here? VTNZ? Why? Did you expect them to find an issue?
  6. Poor bugger who got the diesel maestro
  7. This just popped up on reddit. N52/6 speed swap in an E30 chasis (with Volvo Amazon skin). https://www.reddit.com/r/E30/comments/1hafcgi/n52_swap_e30/
  8. Guess the new owner better like driving auto then
  9. If those Ks are genuine and the car has been looked after well then it's in a rare state for a 325i. I would think a replacement M20B25 would come with more Ks than that (that's just a guess though). No idea how much a manual swap is at a shop. But 10k plus sounds a bit high.
  10. Looks pretty tidy. NZ new, low ks and service history.
  11. But what is it exactly that you need to measure?
  12. DM me if you want. I live in Rotorua and have an E30. Keen to see what you've done with the conversion as well.
  13. Yea I used that. No BMW dealer in Rotorua. Figured I could go to BMW blue later if I really wanted to (on the next flush).
  14. There isn't always a BMW dealership handy. Depends on where you live.
  15. Been waiting on a special. These are now half price so gonna grab one today (last day of special).
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