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About ED1RTY

  • Rank
    Bimmersport Legend
  • Birthday 11/06/1987

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  • Car
    Subaru Outback

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  1. Also haven’t been on here in a long time, but just saw this in the herald - such sad news - it was bizarre talking to people at work today about how this affects every person in NZ but didn’t actually hit home until I saw the herald article - went to put condolences on his Linked in page but it seems to have been removed. Rest is peace brother - you will surely be missed by many.
  2. ED1RTY


    Long time member, keep an eye on the forum but don't post much. Saw this today and love it. Especially the voltage meter. So awesome. Kudos!
  3. Looks nice, and ideally what im after (Pre f/l Tech - 1 in Black) but non compliance is to much messing around i think. Get it complied i'd be interested. Text sent.
  4. ED1RTY

    The bastard child.

    Wow. This is the first time I have been on the forum for around a year. I came back to look at this after catching up with a few of the guys last night. This thing is amazing Tony, a credit to you - and just goes to show, with some dedication, time and persaverance anything is possible. Kudos. Now do a f**king skid!
  5. What have you got. Looking for a tidy E30 325i, Budget to 10k for a good one.
  6. ED1RTY

    Buy my stuff

  7. Having a clean out. Have various BMW literature and a whole stack of parts. Mostly e30 trim and interior bits that break. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Members/Listings....?member=4203691
  8. Not even going to read the thread. Bunch of c**ts in that place and I don't even know how Richard (d*ck) and his crew manage to run things. They are a rip off bunch of clowns. Will never go back there. Ever. (I could rant for a long time about the sh*t they have put myself, family members and friends through but its not worth my time)
  9. More votes mean more chance of winning which means prize money which means we can buy boats stuff which means more awesome times and videos
  10. ED1RTY

    Iphone 4gs

    Been using one since the day it came out. Have never had an iPhone before and I am hell impressed. Where have you been all my life iPhone!?
  11. Needs to be black. Green would have been better on the silver
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